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Hoping to deal with 'Stangletooth', who can vouch for him?

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  • #76
    Re: Hoping to deal with \'Stangletooth\', who can vouch for him?

    A little over a year ago Pat joined the JCF and made a post looking for US Jackson's. He was interested in an SL1 I was thinking about selling. We got each other's info and Pat immediately sent payment and I shipped the guitar overnight to him asap. We had a great deal and I couldn't have wished for a smoother transaction. From talking with Pat and briefly finally meeting him at NAMM I can tell you with 110% assurance he's withouy a doubt a stand-up, honest guy. And he doesn't take any BS...which is something I admire [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

    Don't for 1 second hesitate to deal with Pat. I can tell you...if I was selling a $10,000 guitar to Pat it would be shipped overnight and on the way to him before I received his payment for it...that's how honest and trustworthy he is.

    - Joel
    RIP Donny Swanstrom...JCF bro
    RIP Dime


    • #77
      Re: Hoping to deal with \'Stangletooth\', who can vouch for him?

      Last time I'm going to say this as like most young kids it's not sinking in ...

      It was YOUR responsiblility to file a Fedex/UPS claim not Pats as you were the one who shipped the guitar. I know this to be fact. YOU have to notify them of the claim and because YOU purchased the insurance it's YOUR responsibility.. What aren't you understanding?

      Your slamming Pat for pulling his money from the deal. That is just plain wrong for begrudging a buyer for protecting himself. If you had packed the guitar properly then it wouldn't have gotten broken .. is that a better way to put it? Probably not because accidents happen but geez guy ..Call up the agent you shipped and ask them who files the ins report.. bet ya they say .. THE SELLER!

      BTW you have several people telling you that you are wrong yet you don't see that, Are you right and all the others wrong here?

      [ May 17, 2003, 10:39 AM: Message edited by: KMaynard ]
      Don't worry - I'll smack her if it comes to that. You do not sell guitars to buy shoes. You skimp on food to buy shoes! ~Mrs Tekky 06-03-08~


      • #78
        Re: Hoping to deal with \'Stangletooth\', who can vouch for him?

        The reciever can file it but it is fruitless since they have to contact the shipper anyways to verify cost.



        • #79
          Re: Hoping to deal with \'Stangletooth\', who can vouch for him?

          Killerburst I've had the same problem and was told the same thing on an item I sold. I had to intiate the insurance claim because I paid for it.
          Don't worry - I'll smack her if it comes to that. You do not sell guitars to buy shoes. You skimp on food to buy shoes! ~Mrs Tekky 06-03-08~


          • #80
            Re: Hoping to deal with \'Stangletooth\', who can vouch for him?

            Geez guys... Perhaps an Ed Roman reference was in order after all.. GZ, that sounds EXACTLY like some sh!t Ed would have pulled.. If you have to reference "daddy" for a transaction then I suggest you give up the head-set and go back to school to make a real living and learn a little more about the real world.

            The rest of you crack me up. I've heard whining about "low-balling", not trusting sellers or buyers, and airing out dirty laundry-WOW! as if this is something new on the Forum!

            Gimme a break! Why in the hell do you guys think half of the early members either have bailed all together on the Forum or rarely post here? It's cuz of this garbage right here.

            One member simply asked for an internet reference and we get the "JCF-Best of hall of shame week"..

            You guys fail to remember that not everyone here knows each other on the same level. Just because one of us talks to another one on the phone, or jams together, or takes warm soapy showers in the wee hours of the morning together doesn't mean every one here is on the same level of "Friendship".
            You also fail to realise that this is still internet dealings with a MUCH greater possibility of fraud then a typical in-store purchase or even an internet sale from a large company like MF.

            I, for one, got totally worn out from this type of garbage and rarely post here any more.
            I have had conversations with MANY older members who feel the same way and either don't post here anymore, or post on a very limited basis.

            The sad part is, most of you guys are very cool to talk to or deal with on a ONE-ON-ONE basis.
            BUT, for some unknown reason, whenever one of these threads erupts, I see the worst in you all as a whole.

            Alot of you can probably remember when I used to get elbow deep in these sh!tstorms too. It took me a little while to finally realise that
            a) I probably don't know ALL the facts
            b) it's really none of my dam business anyway.

            I hope some of you will come to the same realisation and you too will kick back and find the humor as an outsider looking in.

            As for internet dealings: If it don't feel right then DON'T DO IT STUPID!

            However, people on the internet,especially when it comes to musical gear, usually have referneces or at least an Ebay name to check out.



            • #81
              Re: Hoping to deal with \'Stangletooth\', who can vouch for him?

              Isn't it kind of ironic that we have to pay extra for insurance from a shipper at all?

              So what they are saying is, " You can pay me to ship it for you, but if you want it to arrive in one piece, or get paid if it doesn't, you had better pay me more!"

              I don't see that as a lot different than a retailer selling me something with the caveat that I may have to pay him more to make it work, because it might not. Shoudn't I EXPECT that a package will not be damaged by the negligence of a shipping company?

              I've never had a problem (knock on wood) but I still feel stupid having to pay insurance because a shipper can't even trust themselves. [img]images/icons/mad.gif[/img]


              • #82
                Re: Hoping to deal with \'Stangletooth\', who can vouch for him?


                Are you the same Redman on the PVII forums?

                As far as insurance, that should go without saying, with the goons that handle packages at ANY carrier, it should be one of those unwritten rules that insurance is included and figured in accordingly. I know when I offer something at a shipped price, it DOES/WILL carry insurance for at least the transaction amount and historically, I usually make it for $50-$100 over just in case there are issues with the shipping and it will allow a few bucks for additional shipping and just the inconvenience in general...



                • #83
                  Re: Hoping to deal with \'Stangletooth\', who can vouch for him?


                  I post here and on the Ezboard Kramer forum, but that is about it. I always go with redmanjj, on forums and on Ebay.

                  I sold you the Flintstones Charvel quite a while ago. [img]images/icons/grin.gif[/img]



                  • #84
                    Re: Hoping to deal with \'Stangletooth\', who can vouch for him?

                    Chuck, congratulations on the "holier than thou" stance. Pretending to be above this kind of thing you supposedly abhore and yet participating in it is a tad contradictory, doncha think?

                    As far as the constant reference to the "old timers who don't come here anymore because of this kind of thing", well if thats all it takes then I guess they really don't care anyway. Perhaps this kind of thing needs to erupt to clear the air, and thats because we DO care.

                    Perhaps this thread has personally brought out the worst in me, but its healthy too, because I am all done taking crap and keeping my mouth shut. This is one way to clear out some small BS in my life.


                    • #85
                      Re: Hoping to deal with \'Stangletooth\', who can vouch for him?

                      Originally posted by KMaynard:
                      Killerburst I've had the same problem and was told the same thing on an item I sold. I had to intiate the insurance claim because I paid for it.
                      <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Well, I was just about to say that maybe I'm losing my marbles or that Fed-Ex must have had a recent policy change, but a quick search on the Fed-Ex website states:

                      "Who can file a claim?
                      The sender, the recipient, or a third party can file the claim."


                      "Who can receive claim settlements?
                      For FedEx Express packages, the sender will receive the claim settlement unless special arrangements are made. For FedEx Ground packages, the claimant (either the sender, the recipient, or a third party) will receive the claim settlement."

                      Just to be clear, I would expect this type of situation to be resolved with as little inconvenience to the buyer as possible, especially when it involves a business that wishes to get repeat customers. However, I could cite several examples in which a vendor would want to ensure that the carrier is going to pay the claim before issuing a refund. For example, the seller issues a refund or sends an advance replacement, then the buyer refuses to schedule an appointment for the carrier's inspector. The carrier could then refuse to pay the claim and the seller would be out the money and merchandise. That's just one example of many.

                      In most cases the seller would and should take care of the buyer. My point is that it is in the seller's best interest to do so as a business practice, and is not neccessarily an obligation.

                      Chief Guitar Geek at George's Music Center
                      [email protected]


                      • #86
                        Re: Hoping to deal with \'Stangletooth\', who can vouch for him?

                        Sorry ChuckRacer.. I won't be baited that way.. It's called growing up..


                        • #87
                          Re: Hoping to deal with \'Stangletooth\', who can vouch for him?

                          I also wanted to mention, Pat, that I just looked back and read about your son. I am spending the day with my 14 month old boy today, and I can't even try to imagine what you must be going through. Stay strong and things will work out.

                          Take care,
                          Jon Stafford
                          Chief Guitar Geek at George's Music Center
                          [email protected]


                          • #88
                            Re: Hoping to deal with \'Stangletooth\', who can vouch for him?

                            Still got it to Jeff, thanx again, my daughter beats on it ( and the Dragon DOH! ) once in a while... It's a keeper for sure! Just something about Fred and Barney hooked up, ya know? [img]graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]

                            As far as the shipping thing, you're right a seller could get screwed, but when people try and go out of their way to expedite the claim and offering to hand deliver it to FedEx, the same day, there's simply no excuse IMO.

                            Pat - Who decided not to go to Chicago today, so J and Paul, sorry, but maybe next week. As long as Zakk's not in the hospital Monday, I'll see you guys one evening this week. It's quiet and peaceful around here, so I'm gonna take advantage of that! I've had about 8 hours or so of sleep this week, working and worrying, so I need the rest!


                            • #89
                              Re: Hoping to deal with \'Stangletooth\', who can vouch for him?

                              Originally posted by Strangletooth:

                              As far as the shipping thing, you're right a seller could get screwed, but when people try and go out of their way to expedite the claim and offering to hand deliver it to FedEx, the same day, there's simply no excuse IMO.
                              <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Agreed. Great point.
                              Chief Guitar Geek at George's Music Center
                              [email protected]


                              • #90
                                Re: Hoping to deal with \'Stangletooth\', who can vouch for him?

                                You're right, Chuck. That was uncalled for. My aplolgies.

