I've been trying to track down just the button heads for the tuners on my SL2h and can't seem to just find them without having to buy the whole tunerheads. Anybody know of a place to get black replacements that will fit?
I didn't think they'd be soo tricky to track down when I painted these, heh
I painted them white for the guitars current theme....
and now want them black again as I am getting the guitar refinished ( the white won't look good with the refinish)
Thanks for any help you guys might be able to lend.
I didn't think they'd be soo tricky to track down when I painted these, heh
I painted them white for the guitars current theme....
and now want them black again as I am getting the guitar refinished ( the white won't look good with the refinish)
Thanks for any help you guys might be able to lend.