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Hard economic times-major downscale w/pic!

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  • Hard economic times-major downscale w/pic!

    I suppose we should have seen this coming a few weeks back when my wife's employer (private hospital) cancelled the majority of their staff's Blackberry contracts and asked for them back. Lo and behold a few weeks ago the axe fell for my wife.

    My aching tooth which I had hoped and prayed was just a loose filing turned into a $3000 root canal/crown affair and then my corrupt (can you say Cosa Nostra?) plumbers union tells me that it will not be covered. Never mind how much union fees I manage to pay every week though eh?

    Our 9 year old is needing some rather expensive medical treatment (thank God nothing life threatening) but that is naturally not covered as well.

    So the vast majority of gear hits the auction block the last few weeks. Here is a partial list of great stuff that is pretty much gone forever...
    -Marshall JMP1
    -ADA MP1
    -Digitech TSR24S with 2.0 MHz upgrade
    -Drawmer DS201
    -Very early edition VHT-2150 with KT88's
    -70's Marshall 1960B with great vintage Celestions
    -Korg DTR2000 Tuner
    -All PC1's save for one.

    Here is a quick snapshot of my remaining gear. When I say remaining, I mean not another patch cable, guitar stand etc..Bare bones as they say.

    Marshall JCM900 Model #2502 with my one remaining PC1 and my trusty Boss tuner. Can't say that I have had much vibe to play lately mind you.

    Oh well! Family does indeed come first.

    To add insult to injury. I was selling my 2002 Honda CBR600R and need to charge the battery. Plates this year in this stinking Socialist French run idiotic province are $1064 plus tax. Yup! That is NOT a typo folks. Well over a grand just for stinking plates for a climate that give you at best 5 months of proper riding weather.

    Where was I?... Oh ya charging the battery and less than three hours later I am alerted by my wife that there is a strange smell in the garage. I run down to see the wires from the charger bare! All the rubber insulation had melted off and managed to ruin a nice chunk of the rear cowl of the Honda.

    Insurance call....not covered by this type of "fire"....blah blah...deductable....sigh.......

    And no the polarity was not backwards in case you are wondering.

    At least we all still have our health eh?

    Last edited by vklobucar; 04-18-2009, 04:43 PM.

  • #2
    I'm sorry to hear this, I hope your situation improves! I'm sending out some good thoughts for you and your family.
    Enjoying a rum and coke, just didn't have any coke...


    • #3
      Thanks folks!

      This thread was not meant to "pity me" but to just let me air out my frustrations a bit.


      • #4
        Originally posted by vklobucar View Post
        Thanks folks!

        This thread was not meant to "pity me" but to just let me air out my frustrations a bit.
        I know the feeling, and it sucks. Your right though, your health and your family our more important, so you have to sacrifice some gear, the economy will get better and hopefully you'll be able to replace it.


        • #5
          Good luck man.
          Things will turn around, they always do for motivated people.
          Sending good vibes your way man!
          "Wow,... that was some of the hardest rockin ever. Hardest to listen too."


          • #6
            great guitar and amp! good luck.
            I know the old saying that the value of an opinion is generally inversely proportional to the strength with which it is held.


            • #7
              I have a friend of mine in a similar situation.
              He had to sell all his gear... and I mean all of it.
              I let him borrow my 375 (the one I got from Spike) for as long as he needs.
              He managed to pick up a Roland cube used real cheap, so at least he can jam on something.

              Like I told him, patience, things will turn around.

              At least you still have a Marshall and a PC1.


              • #8
                Sorry about that man, these are tough time.


                • #9
                  Keep your head up, things will improve.


                  • #10
                    Keep your head up as they say. Things will come around. I had a pretty good scare at work myself 3 weeks ago, when they let a bunch of people go. I hear your fustration. Glad you kept the Solar!
                    Tone is like Art: Your opinion is valid. Listen, learn, have fun, draw your own conclusions.


                    • #11
                      Sending good vibes your way too. keep playing too. sorry about the bike.


                      • #12
                        That is a bummer man. You still have some nice gear and are doing the right thing for your family. Others could learn from your example.


                        • #13
                          I'm not into PC1's but it looks like you kept a beauty.

                          The thing that sucks is that the number of these types of thread are only going to rise.


                          • #14
                            It's threads like these that make me think if I had to sell my gear, which would I sel first, the best guitar I've ever played in my life (not making anything dramatic :P), the guitar my uncle gave me and he made me promise never to sell, or my first guitar that has a lot of memories and would only rake in $100 max... If I had to I'd sell my amp first though

