It's a known thing that Jackson and metal/hard rock go hand in hand, but I'm curious to know if there are any other genre Jackson players here. I use my Jackson for doing a blues/rockabilly (I like to call it bluesabilly) and only use a clean tone. I've pretty much got my SDK 2 almost sounding like a hollow body - pretty cool. Anyone else?
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Any non-metal Jackson players here?
I dig metal, but I don't limit myself to what I play, I attempt to noodle around with jazz, and I dig the blues, I love classical music as well. Sounds great for all of it.Originally posted by horns666The only thing I choke during sex is, my chicken..especially when I wanna glaze my wife's buns.
Lately, I've been using my Squier strat (it sounds fuckin GOOOOOD!!!) more than any of my other guitars. I play a whole lotta metal, blues and funk (gotta love the envelope filter) with that one guitar. I haven't got the slightest idea what the pickups are in that $120 strat, but using the right pedal, or adjusting the volume knob on the guitar itself, I can make it sing (neck pickup/volume @ 3/4), scream (bridge pickup/ volume @ 10) moan (neck and middle pickup together/volume @ 7-8) or anything in between.
Its not the guitar.
It is how you USE the guitar and what if any pedals you have.
For metal, I use my Biyang Metal End pedal. If you don't think it doesn't replicate a dual rectifier Mesa almost dead on, you need new ears.
For cleans, no pedal just the amp with minimal gain, volume way up, use my guitar volume to mediate any tube breakup.
For blues, I just throw an Artec Overdrive in front of the amp and it kicks much ass.
It isn't the guitar that dictates your tone or the style of music that you play (my opinion).Last edited by bombtek; 06-15-2009, 08:25 PM.I live on the edge of danger facing life and death every single day.....then I leave her at home and go disarm bombs.
I play traditional East Indian (Punjab, Hindi, etc) spirituals on a Jackson Warrior.
Seriously, though I like the chugga-wugga and meedly-meedly of Metal, I don't generally play it. I do more instrumental-type stuff that's not as technical as Satch but does use distortion a lot.
Though I also have all-clean stuff like this: want to depart this world the same way I arrived; screaming and covered in someone else's blood
The most human thing we can do is comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.
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I am so metal, we save my hair clippings to use as tinsel on the old Xmas tree every winter.
Naw, really, I play lots of different styles. I like to play some speed/thrash metal but I also play a lot of hard rock and blues and funky stuff and... Well, about anything but country, and even a little of that.
I am the exception! I used to be into EXTREME metal, but now ive changed. and i played jackson from what i learned about metal, but now im into postgrunge, i play anything from lifehouse to staind to godsmack on a jacksoni mainly stick to the lifehouse/ staind/ seether are code though (although i still shred, but i do it in a tasteful way, i dont reall show off too much anymore)
I hooked up my accelerator pedal in my car to my brake lights. I hit the gas, people behind me stop, and I'm gone.