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Ethics concerning THANKS EVERYONE!!!!!

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  • #16
    Re: Ethics concerning THANKS EVERYONE!!!!!

    LOL Matt even pierced my nipples before shipping me out... you know, just for identificaion purposes. And UPS didn't even damage me! [img]graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] [img]graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] hehehe One too many beers this weekend!
    I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.


    • #17
      Re: Ethics concerning THANKS EVERYONE!!!!!

      Ummmm, is that one too many beers or one too many funnels of beer this weekend dude?? [img]images/icons/grin.gif[/img]

      The nipples thing was a good touch though [img]images/icons/cool.gif[/img]


      • #18
        Re: Ethics concerning THANKS EVERYONE!!!!!

        I commend your parents for wanting to protect you, but the simple fact is that you buy from who you want and who you trust. There's a difference in buying a guitar from a player like Matt vs a non-player like the local shops. Every store I've been in was run/owned by either a non-player or a person who sneered at everything that wasn't marked Gibson, Martin, or Fender, and that translates into quality of merchandise. If they bash a brand simply because it doesn't suit their taste, how can they be trusted to handle it with concern for how it arrives to the customer?

        Your parents, being on the outside of the JCF looking in, see Matt as a businessman who hangs out here to score sales, and I can understand that they would see it that way because they are on the outside looking in. Don't give them too much grief about it - they've probably "been there/done that" at some point in their lives.

        Go with their advice and shop around. It's a pain in the ass to call here and there quoting prices and all that, and then deciding which store has the best service, but it can save you some money in the long run (which you will spend on headache medicine [img]graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] )

        I want to depart this world the same way I arrived; screaming and covered in someone else's blood

        The most human thing we can do is comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.

        My Blog:


        • #19
          Re: Ethics concerning THANKS EVERYONE!!!!!

          TO Mr. Priest -

          You should have your parents enter the room about now to read this.

          You should consider the following points:

          1. Matt quoted you a low price in "Good Faith". Your local store did not. They will try to get as much as possible - maybe even the retail price if they think they can get it from you. No one ever pays retail.

          2. Matt is out of state, therefore you will not pay taxes on your purchase. (I assume you are not in New York)

          3. Shipping - how did your local store receive the guitar? It was shipped to them. Furthermore, how many guitars do you see that have been damaged in shipping. Yes, maybe a few but not many.

          4. Matt's Shipping - Matt is a professional and realizes the possibility of damage while shipping; This is his business and he does this everyday. He wants to be sure your guitar arrives in one piece and I am sure he packs them properly.

          To not buy a guitar from Matt because of shipping concern is like not driving your car because of the possibility of being killed in an accident.

          Do yourself a favor - Go with Matt. I am sure he gave you a good price the first time without taking advantage of you. Remember he loves guitars just as you and I. He will pack properly and take care of your guitar. FYI - I just spent $1,700 with him and feel totaly confident. You should feel the same.

          It is your decision, however, I could not resist putting in my two cents.

          Good Luck.



          • #20
            Re: Ethics concerning THANKS EVERYONE!!!!!

            This seems to have turned into a whether or not to buy a guitar from Matt thread. I absolutely agree holeheartedly in giving business to a brother when you can. The original post however, was, is it ethical to tell someone a price from somewhere else: Yes, I believe it is. Nothing against Matt at all, as he seems to be a very fine business man and very respectable, but I don't think it's unethical to quote a price to someone else for the purpose of pricematching. Shoot me on site if you want but that's my opinion and that was the original question. Whether or not to buy from Matt or someone else is a whole other thread completely and I think it's pretty pathetic how a lot of you guys can stand there and talk crap about *his* parents and their rules. He lives in their house and therefore should follow their rules. I don't see where anybody had the right to say he shouldn't.
            In Summation: compare away, but you probably won't find a price as good as Matt's though. [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]


            • #21
              Re: Ethics concerning THANKS EVERYONE!!!!!

              Even if your local store does pricematch it, how do you know it will get there unscratched from Jackson? So if your local store was giving you the guitar for like $1 less, i would think it is more ethical to pay that extra dollar to Matt because he wasnt trying to take advantage of you with a higher price the first time, and i'm sure it will get to you unbroken.


              • #22
                Re: Ethics concerning THANKS EVERYONE!!!!!

                Originally posted by toejam:
                LOL Matt even pierced my nipples before shipping me out... you know, just for identificaion purposes.
                <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Kind of like "Tag & Release"? Very sporting of Matt! [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]
                Hail yesterday


                • #23
                  Re: Ethics concerning THANKS EVERYONE!!!!!

                  I can understand teh dilemma of trust when doing transactions over the internet. Outside of shipping costs I feel much more empowered when ordering over the internet. The ****s' in stock and the dealers for the most part are on the ball. I've had nothing but problems ordering from whatever local store is around....takes forever and costs twice as much...forget's not worth the personal service to me. But if you're younger and your parents have a say then, gotta do what you gotta do...I understand that.

                  I will say this new Jackson that I buy will NOT be from a will be online either from Matt, Drum City, or GuitarXpress....all 3 of those vendors have had nothing but praise here and I would have no problem ordering over the internet...I love it. I feel if nobody has badmouthed them yet.....I certainly will have no problem considering the number of guitars they've sold.


                  • #24
                    Re: Ethics concerning THANKS EVERYONE!!!!!

                    From the bottom of my heart, thank you all for your replies so far. My original premonition was what Hotrod had said, that I could do my parents a good deed by phoning around for prices, originally anticipating that nobody can beat Matt's prices.

                    I had a talk with my dad before I went to bed last night after signing off the JCF. Let's say the guitar is X dollars from Matt. My dad says that if the local stores cannot charge less than X+500 dollars, we will go with Matt. But, I didn't like the way he put it into words: "We will order from him and take the risks", which I perceived as a sort of "last resort".

                    Yes, you're right about my parents seeing Matt as a faceless, anonymous businessman in New York. Perhaps I could get my dad to talk to Matt on the phone just to lesson the pressure and fears. Obviously, I know Matt as a friendly, reputable JCFer which my parents don't know. Of course they're going to be totally apprehensive and watch over me like hawks.

                    Honestly, if I had a son that wanted to deal with an internet businessman, no matter how reputable, I'd want to get involved as much as I could too. My parents raised me right to ask all the right questions and take all the right precautions before diving headfirst, blindly, and nude, into my faith in someone I don't even know personally. I respect my parents helping me take precautions against being swindled, and I intend to raise my own children in the same fashion.

                    I guess I just have to make my parents see what the JCF sees in Matt, and I'll definitely mention the content of the replies to them tonight.

                    Once again, thanks for the replies so far.

                    Toejam, you're messed up. [img]graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]


                    • #25
                      Re: Ethics concerning THANKS EVERYONE!!!!!

                      I don't understand the X+$500 - that means if Matt charges $1000 for it and a local store wants $1200-$1500, that you should go local?
                      Screw that.

                      Dealer rep is 90% of a buying decision. Yeah Ed Roman's got nice stuff on his site, but.....

                      I want to depart this world the same way I arrived; screaming and covered in someone else's blood

                      The most human thing we can do is comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.

                      My Blog:


                      • #26
                        Re: Ethics concerning THANKS EVERYONE!!!!!

                        I'll throw in a voucher too. I just spent $1500 with Matt and my new Warrior arrived 100% safe and sound. It was shipped from his place to Houston and that is quite a jaunt. Also, I did some checking around on the net and elsewhere before I bought it. I found one place on the net (I don't remember which one) that was in the general price range but it was for a solid color and not a graphic. Graphics were a bit more and they didn't have a Shattered Glass one anyway. So, tell your parents that Matt has the great "Hyperfuzz" endorsement too!! [img]images/icons/grin.gif[/img]


                        • #27
                          Re: Ethics concerning THANKS EVERYONE!!!!!

                          Thanks guys. Ya make feel all fuzzy inside. [img]graemlins/images/icons/tongue.gif[/img]


                          • #28
                            Re: Ethics concerning THANKS EVERYONE!!!!!

                            I've gotten at least 3 guitars from Matt and have never had an issue, period, I wouldn't hesitate for a NY second to buy another.

                            Priest, what's Dad's number, we'll set him straight... [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]



                            • #29
                              Re: Ethics concerning THANKS EVERYONE!!!!!

                              Originally posted by Number Of The Priest:
                              Toejam, you're messed up. [img]graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]
                              <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Thank you very much! [img]graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]

                              Seriously, though, if you do order through the mail, not many places (with the exception of a few) will even open the box the guitar came in from the manufacturer. They get an order of guitars, put them on a shelf, when an order comes in for one of a certain color you're looking for, they take it down and send it out to the customer. If there was a problem with the original shipping from the manufacturer to (Musician's Friend, as an example), they wouldn't know about it.
                              Matt inspects his inventory to make sure they're in perfect shape before leaving his facility. Now, a lot of people prefer to play guitars in stores to get a feel for them and see if they like it, but others just don't have shops close enough and have to order online. Though, if you do order online and something happens in shipping or you don't like it for whatever reason, the store should take it back and refund your money without any problems.
                              There's risk of damage in having any product shipped, but considering the fact that Jackson, as well as most companies, send their guitars out just in boxes with no other real protection, I'd say you shouldn't really worry about it.
                              I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.


                              • #30
                                Re: Ethics concerning THANKS EVERYONE!!!!!

                                You could just have your dad read all the posts about Matt on this forum or have him call Matt.

                                I've been on this forum for almost 2 years now and I repeatedly hear from everyone that USA Jacksons are the most consistently built guitar out there. So not playing it beforehand shouldn't be that big of a deal.

