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  • #16
    Re: sounds..rr..strat..?????

    lets say you have a fender strat, no matter how much you tweek the amp or put in different pick-ups you will never get the killing sound of a RR


    • #17
      Re: sounds..rr..strat..?????

      Sound is determined by so many factors that any single one is insignificant. Let's examine but a few of the factors that determine what we call tone:

      body wood
      fingerboard wood
      string gauge and brand
      picking style
      effects unit
      speakers (size and brand)
      neck construction (set, bolt, through)
      trem vs. non-trem

      Perhaps most importantly of all, more important than an amp or an effects unit, is YOU and your fingers. Carlos Santana could play a USA Jackson Death Angel with EMG's and a Floyd and it would STILL SOUND LIKE CARLOS. Give BB King a USA Fender Tele and it WOULD STILL SOUND LIKE BB. Give Kerry King a 3 single coil equipped Squier and it would STILL SOUND LIKE KERRY. If you don't believe me or you don't understand that fact, you have no serious interest in guitar, are not a genuine musician, and you just basically suck at everything. And with that, the verdict is out:
      "Got a crazy feeling I don't understand,
      Gotta get away from here.
      Feelin' like I shoulda kept my feet on the ground
      Waitin' for the sun to appear..."


      • #18
        Re: sounds..rr..strat..?????

        Originally posted by charvel750:
        Perhaps most importantly of all, more important than an amp or an effects unit, is YOU and your fingers. Carlos Santana could play a USA Jackson Death Angel with EMG's and a Floyd and it would STILL SOUND LIKE CARLOS. Give BB King a USA Fender Tele and it WOULD STILL SOUND LIKE BB. Give Kerry King a 3 single coil equipped Squier and it would STILL SOUND LIKE KERRY. If you don't believe me or you don't understand that fact, you have no serious interest in guitar, are not a genuine musician, and you just basically suck at everything. And with that, the verdict is out:
        <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Amen to that!!! Although, I have a hard time with the Kerry King/Squire comment [img]images/icons/grin.gif[/img] !!

        I was just having a discussion about this the other day with one of the local music store guys. We were talking about Eddie's tone on the first two VH albums and how differnt opening bands guitarist that were touring with VH wanted to play through Eddie's stuff so they could get that awesome tone!! Eddie's tech kept telling them "Go ahead, but you ain't gonna sound like Eddie!!"

        I don't remember who's sig line it is here on the JCF but it says something like "tone isn't in your fingers, it's in MY fingers!!"

        Says it all.... Your gears makes up alot of your individual tone but ultimately, you are responsible for how you sound!! JMHO..

        Oh yeah, Ed Roman WHO!!! [img]graemlins/eyes.gif[/img]


        • #19
          Re: sounds..rr..strat..?????

 I have asked before how much of a difference is it in sound between neck thru and bolt-on??????????????????????????

          Well edroman has on his site that jackson guitars are the best made, best quality guitars so.....yea..... [img]graemlins/scratchhead.gif[/img]


          • #20
            Re: sounds..rr..strat..?????

            Again...don't listen to Ed Roman...this comes from many people who have dealt with that snake including me....but that's neither here nor there.

            Yes there is a pretty audible difference between bolt on vs. neckthru guitars...bolt-on guitars have a brighter or more focused higher end...a sharper "attack" if you will....whereas a neckthru guitar has sustain the entire length of the neck, and has a bigger, "rounder" tone.

            Keep this in mind too...depending on the wood used in contruction, the bigger the body, the darker or fuller the tone of the guitar will project. A Mahogany Explorer shaped guitar will sound a little "darker" than an Alder or Poplar built one (just as a reference) but all three will still sound darker than say a Soloist shaped guitar, just because of the size.


            • #21
              Re: sounds..rr..strat..?????

              Overall mass does have something to do with tone. what it does is basically give it more of its properties. I guess what I mean is an all mohagony solist will have the same tone as an all mohagony Explorer shaped gutar. The explorer will just sound a bit deeper or fuller.
              Look at what hardware does for a gutar. A denser harder metal form like a die cast steal bridge will have a differnet tone than a drop forged one. Plus the overall materials its made out of. (ie brass,steal,nickle,or what ever)


              • #22
                Re: sounds..rr..strat..?????

                I knew somebody anal would show up sooner or later to make a mountain out of this otherwise simple discussion, and I was right.
                Thanks, Charvel 750!


                • #23
                  Re: sounds..rr..strat..?????

                  Thanks for the info people [img]graemlins/headbang.gif[/img]


                  • #24
                    Re: sounds..rr..strat..?????

                    So basically it is how much wood is the guitar body is made of, not so much as the shape.


                    • #25
                      Re: sounds..rr..strat..?????

                      If you use EMGs you can stick then in a 2x4 and it will sound the same as a Leas Paul.

                      I have a Soloist and a Custom Kelly both with SD Allan Holdworth pickups in the bridge and they are some differences in the sound but not too much
                      Also the Kelly is Maple sides and the Soloist is Popular

                      Originally posted by megashredder:
                      So basically it is how much wood is the guitar body is made of, not so much as the shape.
                      <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">


                      • #26
                        Re: sounds..rr..strat..?????

                        Originally posted by JacksonShredder:
                        If you use EMGs, you can stick them in a 2x4 and it will sound the same as a Les Paul.

                        </font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">
                        <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">[/QB]</font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Don't start that ignorant crap again. [img]images/icons/rolleyes.gif[/img] EMGs will sound different in every guitar, just like passive pickups. The sound of the wood will come through, it's just EMGs have a flatter frequency response and will work better with your amp, longer cables and effects without degrading the signal.

                        Also, bolt-on, neck-thru and set-neck guitars can all have the same amount of sustain.

                        [ May 29, 2003, 02:01 PM: Message edited by: toejam ]
                        I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.


                        • #27
                          Re: sounds..rr..strat..?????

                          Originally posted by Stephan:
                          I don't remember who's sig line it is here on the JCF but it says something like "tone isn't in your fingers, it's in MY fingers!!"
                          <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Hmmmmm.... who was the right-minded, forward thinking genius who came up with that one?
                          Member - National Sarcasm Society

                          "Oh, sure. Like we need your support."


                          • #28
                            Re: sounds..rr..strat..?????

                            Not true Sid,..... just not true... [img]graemlins/bs.gif[/img] ... Ive had EMG'S in most everything in the last couple years, and they all sound WAYYY different. Hell, my last 2 Les pauls both had Emg's and sounded way different...... [img]images/icons/grin.gif[/img]
                            "Now remember, things look bad and it looks like you're not gonna make it, then you gotta get mean. I mean plumb, mad-dog mean. 'Cause if you lose your head and you give up then you neither live nor win. That's just the way it is. ":JOSEY WALES


                            • #29
                              Re: sounds..rr..strat..?????

                              hmmmm.....I have the same pickup combo in all of my guitars....JB bridge, Jazz neck....I have a KV1, A few Schecter C1's, an Explorer, 2 Strat copies, etc and there is little or no discernable difference in the sound coming out of my amp on any of the above. Of course, unplugged is a different story. I have the easiest time noticing a difference in the Schecters (different neck attachments) but as a group it is almost impossible to tell apart. So, I'll also conclude that the pickups and amp have the BIGGEST part in a guitars sound. The person playing has a big part in it too, none of my guitars have my sound when I let a friend plug and play.
                              Ok, I'll shut up now.....


                              • #30
                                Re: sounds..rr..strat..?????

                                Depends on the amp. Thru my Peavey Transtube Bandit, I don't hear much of a difference at all, but through my SLO or Todds Marshall, it's a HUGE difference.

