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Pickups for my rr1 which is poplar body.

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  • Pickups for my rr1 which is poplar body.

    My guitar is rr1, 96', poplar body.

    I think its jb on bridge is not good enough.

    Any suggestion?

    I am into thrash stuff like testament, megadeth.


  • #2
    Duncan Distortion. Balls.


    • #3
      If you wanna stay with duncan then i vote distortion too

      Dimarzio then X2N


      • #4
        Dimarzio EVOLUTION is my choise.
        Jackson Randy Rhoads Pro 2015
        Jackson "Phobia" King-V
        BC Rich Chuck Schuldiner Stealth
        SG Mutt "Swamp Thing"

        BC Rich Warlock One Bass

        Orange Micro Terror
        Laney TF300
        Randall 1X8



        • #5
          Originally posted by hellying View Post
          My guitar is rr1, 96', poplar body.

          I think its jb on bridge is not good enough.

          Any suggestion?

          I am into thrash stuff like testament, megadeth.

          What pickup did Marty and Dave use? Can't seem to remember....


          • #6
            Originally posted by DonP View Post
            What pickup did Marty and Dave use? Can't seem to remember....
            Duncan Distortion for a while. They eventually switched to the JB.

            I've got a 93 Poplar KV and I have a Duncan Distortion in it. Sound great.


            • #7
              My poplar KV has a JB/59 combo. It kills.
              "Artists should be free to spend their days mastering their craft so that working people can toil away in a more beautiful world."
              - Ken M


              • #8
                Originally posted by hellying View Post
                My guitar is rr1, 96', poplar body.

                I think its jb on bridge is not good enough.

                Any suggestion?

                I am into thrash stuff like testament, megadeth.

                Its hard to suggest something until we know what the JB's is lacking for you. Most people complain that the JB is too bright and it can be in some guitars. I like the DiMarzio Tone Zone in bright guitars but the JB normally rocks quite well, especially for leads.


                • #9
                  Duncan Distortion is what Dave used with all of his Poplar guitars.


                  • #10
                    Seymore Duncan's website has Dave listed as a JB player. Dave's signature KV1 guitar was JB based as was Dave's signature ESP/LTD DV8-R.


                    • #11
                      And his active setup was based on the JB.

                      There's 2 things you can do to make a JB sound better, or at least more like Megadeth:
                      -Adjust the pickup's height
                      -Change the 500K volme pot to a 250K volume pot
                      I want to depart this world the same way I arrived; screaming and covered in someone else's blood

                      The most human thing we can do is comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.

                      My Blog:


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Anunnaki View Post
                        Seymore Duncan's website has Dave listed as a JB player. Dave's signature KV1 guitar was JB based as was Dave's signature ESP/LTD DV8-R.
                        The DV8's (both flavors) initially started out with the JB/Jazz combo but eventually they adopted the signature Dave Mustaine LiveWire pickups before Dave jumped ship and signed with Dean.

                        I had a couple of ESP DV8's. Didn't really care for the JB in them. Maybe it was the all Mahogany. Though, I liked the JB in the Y2KV which is also all Mahogany...:think:


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Brian View Post
                          The DV8's (both flavors) initially started out with the JB/Jazz combo but eventually they adopted the signature Dave Mustaine LiveWire pickups before Dave jumped ship and signed with Dean.

                          I had a couple of ESP DV8's. Didn't really care for the JB in them. Maybe it was the all Mahogany. Though, I liked the JB in the Y2KV which is also all Mahogany...:think:
                          Maybe cause it's a bigger body :shrug:


                          • #14
                            the JB in rr1 sounds....not solid enough, the body is missing. I want to get one got more tight bass, fuller body.

                            is that poplar sounds like a alder?

                            I have a KE2 with JB too which sound good to me, much better.

                            if I install an j-90c on the bridge for it, what will you think? is it what I want?

                            thank you guys!
                            very helpful here.


                            • #15
                              I have a couple Rhoads' with poplar bodies. One is the PCS Rhoads which has a Duncan Distortion, the other is my custom shop which I ordered with a Duncan Screamin' Demon. I also have one of Marty's Kellys as well as a copy of the work order for it and it is a JB. In other guitars I've installed the Dimarzio Tone Zone. The verdict is that I like them all, it just depends on the individual guitar Sometimes the common JB sounds awesome in some guitars while pretty boring in others. I have to say though, that PCS with Duncan Distortion kills! Might want to start there and if you need more bottom end go to the Tone Zone. I like the Tone Zone except for one thing which is that it seems to sound flubby on the low E string. Otherwise I think the Tone Zone is a nice distrotion pickup.

