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other series like the professional or model ones?

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  • other series like the professional or model ones?

    Are there any series of guitars by other manufacturers like the Professional and Model series and other Charvel/Jacksons, in that they are high quality and collectible but can be had for cheap because people have trouble identifying them? I really enjoy looking through catalog scans in order to identify some rarity, and calling music stores and trying to identify guitars based on a verbal description.

  • #2
    Old Kramer Focus series guitars. I used to have a 2000. Quality guitar, OFR. I never got into it so much because of the small frets. I actually put a woodburn Jackson neck on it way back before I knew what a woodburn Jackson neck was.
    Blank yo!


    • #3
      The bc rich st models some are good and the gunslinger sometimes can be had for cheap.
      I like the old usa peaveys that sell for a few hundred like the patriots and nitros. A lot of carvins go for cheap to that are high quality.
      I would not put any of these including the model series as collectible though.


      • #4
        Well, they're fun to collect is what I meant. Maybe they're not true collectibles, but plenty of people have a collection of them.


        • #5
          If your looking for other good shredder guitars that can be found for pretty cheap,check out the Ibanez RG and S series,awesome guitars!

