He's redone the neck joint on the bolt ons.
I will be ordering a Bernie Rico Jr. CS 7 pretty soon. I've played a bunch of his 7's and the necks and build quality are just top notch.
I've been thur just about every Schecter 7 (no thanks , althought I did like my Loomis)
I've had 4 Ibanez 7620's I currently have one now and I love it.
I had an Ibanez J-custom 8527 that was just killer but for the cost of those, I'd rather just add a little more and get a Rico jr. so I sold that too (awesome neck on it though)
and my workhorse my Carvin DC727.
My favorite 7, I replaced the trem with an OFR and have a BK nailbomb in the bridge and a Coldsweat in the neck. Just a killer guitar.
the 7620's need a pickup upgrade and then they are real good solid guitars.
my last one had a BK MiracleMan in the bridge and a duncan jazz in the neck. I wish I had kept that one, my current one has an Evo 7 and an air Norton in it.
my carvin

my 7620

the J-custom I just sold
I will be ordering a Bernie Rico Jr. CS 7 pretty soon. I've played a bunch of his 7's and the necks and build quality are just top notch.
I've been thur just about every Schecter 7 (no thanks , althought I did like my Loomis)
I've had 4 Ibanez 7620's I currently have one now and I love it.
I had an Ibanez J-custom 8527 that was just killer but for the cost of those, I'd rather just add a little more and get a Rico jr. so I sold that too (awesome neck on it though)
and my workhorse my Carvin DC727.
My favorite 7, I replaced the trem with an OFR and have a BK nailbomb in the bridge and a Coldsweat in the neck. Just a killer guitar.
the 7620's need a pickup upgrade and then they are real good solid guitars.
my last one had a BK MiracleMan in the bridge and a duncan jazz in the neck. I wish I had kept that one, my current one has an Evo 7 and an air Norton in it.
my carvin

my 7620

the J-custom I just sold
