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7 string explorer

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  • #16
    Don't you understand?!? 7 Strings may only be used for downtuned METAL!!!

    GTWGITS! - RacerX


    • #17
      Originally posted by Sinistas View Post
      Gibson's been using rosewood on Explorers since the 50s...Why is it bullshit that they used it on this one now?
      I dont know about mikey, but I meant that it's bull shit that they used it all this time. I wish they started out with ebony, but it's never too late for change.
      I hooked up my accelerator pedal in my car to my brake lights. I hit the gas, people behind me stop, and I'm gone.


      • #18
        Originally posted by Hellbat View Post
        Don't you understand?!? 7 Strings may only be used for downtuned METAL!!!
        Tell me thats not a downtuned guitar? I had to turn that shit off!
        I hooked up my accelerator pedal in my car to my brake lights. I hit the gas, people behind me stop, and I'm gone.


        • #19
          Originally posted by Jacksonguy666 View Post
          I agree. I have a black explorer. And it has the black body and the back of the neck is black, but it has this dumb looking slightly red-ish tinted board. It looks so out of place. It would be better if it had binding.
          I do not despise bound rosewood as much as unbound though.
          And why the hell does Gibson do ebony on certain white colored models? The studio and explorer are the two I am currently thinking of, but I am sure there are many more.
          What in the world is wrong with Rosewood? You can dye it if you don't like the colour of it. And how does it not being black make it unmetal? I thought it was what was coming out of your amp that mattered, not how many sharp and pointy edges your guitar had, and whether or not it was a black body with a black fretboard, black strings + frets and black humbuckers? Rosewood in my opinion is the least problematic wood when it comes to the most often used fretboard woods. Maple needs some prepwork, as far as I know (clearcoating it, if I'm correct), and ebony can crack, so you need to watch that as well. While cheap guitars often use rosewood, I don't think that all rosewood is cheap in the respect of having poor qualities.

          This isn't a rant by the way, just incase I come across as slightly irate.
          Its all fun and games till you get yogurt in your eye.; -AK47
          Guitar is my first love, metal my second (wife...ehh she's in there somewhere). -Partial @ Marshall


          • #20
            Originally posted by cornstar70 View Post
            I think that scale is too short for a 7-string. Won't that cause the the low B to sound loose and muddy? I think 25.5 to 27 is ideal for 7 strings
            Slap some heavy strings on and it will sound and play like a dream. =) You may have a preference for a lighter set, so I definitely see where you're coming from, but if you haven't got a problem with a bass string at the bottom, it won't behave that much differently tension-wise. =)
            Its all fun and games till you get yogurt in your eye.; -AK47
            Guitar is my first love, metal my second (wife...ehh she's in there somewhere). -Partial @ Marshall


            • #21
              Come on now, what sounds more metal, "rosie's rosy rosewood" or "motherfucking black hardwood"? Tottaly unbiased question, i think the answer is clear


              • #22
                imho it needs inlays,looks kinda dumb without em, otherwise nice looking.
                DK2 EERIE DESS
                KE3 CUSTOM
                KELLY PROFESSIONAL
                KELLY PS6T W/ DK2 NECK
                RR3 PRO
                BC RICH MR-7 STEALTH
                KRAMER VOYAGER
                LINE6 HD150 SPIDER IV HEAD
                TWIN CRATE 4X12 CABS


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Dred View Post
                  Slap some heavy strings on and it will sound and play like a dream. =) You may have a preference for a lighter set, so I definitely see where you're coming from, but if you haven't got a problem with a bass string at the bottom, it won't behave that much differently tension-wise. =)
                  I Love light strings. I get away with 9s on my explorer because it's a 24.75 scale, but My jackson Firebird is 25.5 and I have 9's on that, in drop C tuning. I LOVE light strings.
                  I hooked up my accelerator pedal in my car to my brake lights. I hit the gas, people behind me stop, and I'm gone.


                  • #24
                    I had 11s in E on a 25.5". Loved it
                    Its all fun and games till you get yogurt in your eye.; -AK47
                    Guitar is my first love, metal my second (wife...ehh she's in there somewhere). -Partial @ Marshall


                    • #25
                      the Explorer body lends itself nicely for a 7 string layout. I like it!
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                      My Charvel guitars - always one away from too many!

