Well, in searching around for great deals, I stumbled on this one. This one came from CL and was touted as a Les Paul Studio w/headstock repair. It's a player with many dings and dents but still all stock. I looked at the picture, made an offer and went to pick it up. When I got there, I was shown a 1993 Les Paul studio, black w/ebony board. The guitar wasn't tuned up, but it looked like it had potential. He had an amp, so I plugged it in and started to tune and the headstock started to open up. I showed the buyer the crack and he said that 2 other people looked at it and said it was repaired. At that point, I made a counter offer of my price minus a headstock repair. The buyer declined and I walked. About 10 minutes later, the buyer calls me up on my cell and accepts my offer, so I take it. Here are the pictures - before. Not sure what I want to do with it - fix the neck, refinish the guitar - wine red with a faux maple binding maybe. Otherwise, the guitar is pretty cool, and it has an ebony board. Here you go:
