I've been on the lookout for a good custom geetar. I want a custom that is made good and solid. I don't care about looks, I just want it to be in a strat style, but a lil pointer, such as my Jackson. I also want a neck similar to a Jackson. I basically want a bad ass custon Jackson, without paying a bad ass price. I want to put some blackouts in it and use a kahler bridge.
In my searches, I have come across Wulffson guitars. These seem to be exactly what I'm looking for. The owner/builder seems like a pretty good guy and was willing to work with me a little. Has anyone heard of these guitars before or maybe even tried them out?
In my searches, I have come across Wulffson guitars. These seem to be exactly what I'm looking for. The owner/builder seems like a pretty good guy and was willing to work with me a little. Has anyone heard of these guitars before or maybe even tried them out?