My first real electric guitar. Bought on the 27th of December, 2006 after begging my mom for almost an entire year. I was a Beatlemaniac and just started listening to Hendrix so I thought I ought to get something both used(George Harrison and John Lennon both had Sonic Blue Stratocasters at one point).

Updated it with a Seymour Duncan Hot Rails in the bridge and since I couldn't afford another one in the neck I plainly painted it black to imitate Janick Gers' Stratocaster. Later on I added the Jack Daniels' wrap(not a sticker, but the real deal) and a couple of months ago I got into SRV and taped the shit on.

For a period of a year and a half, the neck was warped and I couldn't bother fixing it(why I don't know) and recently got it fixed only to get super pissed off and slam the guitar into the floor.

I couldn't just screw it back on since the wood was pulled out by the screws but my oh so truly handy friend Jan fixed it for me in his basement while having a smoke. Whiz kid.
So now it's fully functional and actually plays better.
See what a little bit of anger can do to improve the playability and tone in your guitar?

Updated it with a Seymour Duncan Hot Rails in the bridge and since I couldn't afford another one in the neck I plainly painted it black to imitate Janick Gers' Stratocaster. Later on I added the Jack Daniels' wrap(not a sticker, but the real deal) and a couple of months ago I got into SRV and taped the shit on.

For a period of a year and a half, the neck was warped and I couldn't bother fixing it(why I don't know) and recently got it fixed only to get super pissed off and slam the guitar into the floor.

I couldn't just screw it back on since the wood was pulled out by the screws but my oh so truly handy friend Jan fixed it for me in his basement while having a smoke. Whiz kid.
So now it's fully functional and actually plays better.

See what a little bit of anger can do to improve the playability and tone in your guitar?
