Lee Garver sent me some pics last night...going to paint phase. Very impressed with the work so far. It's obviously a plain Charvel/Kramer styled shredder...wanted a killer custom but wanted to keep costs low. That's a Dimarzio SD, gold hardware, color is metallic blue burple - it's a blue/purple custom color.
Lee has been great to work with. Looking good!!!
I moved the volume pot down a bit - it's also a coil tap, for no additional charge I figured why not. Add a little versatility to the guitar. I love the 3D millenium headstock.

Lee has been great to work with. Looking good!!!
I moved the volume pot down a bit - it's also a coil tap, for no additional charge I figured why not. Add a little versatility to the guitar. I love the 3D millenium headstock.
