When I first opened it, it looked pretty damn sweet, but then my attention got quickly pulled to...
down by the lower wing there's a flaw in the wood. Not thrilled at this point but still happy, then...
behind the floyd where the two pieces of maple meet there's what kind of looks like a knot in the wood.
if i were in a guitar shop i would pass by this one. the rest of the quilt is beautiful, so i'll get over the two flaws, just they stand out and make me wonder about future purchases.
I played it for a couple minutes, as UPS didn't even get here til 5:30... so.. I'll get a strap on it and play with it through the line 6, i couldn't really dial it in well on the Roland. I don't think I'm at all in love with the pickup in it. Will see how things are once i can add some volume to it though.
over all it's a 9, those finish flaws though really make me uncomfortable ordering from them again. but then again the rest of the quilt is sweet so, maybe that's just the trade off. plus i got two hours sleep last night, i'll wait until i'm awake to judge.
oh yeah and i was going to take a bunch of dark photos with just like corners of the guitar for Ron as a joke, but I'm just too damn tired and it's really just too pretty to do that too.