I bought a nice Les Paul Custom a few months ago, I got a good deal on it because it needed some serious love and it had a few tiny little dings on it that were no big deal since I intended to play it rather than look at it.
The stock pickups were not to my liking... A little weak. So, bring on the Duncan Distortion neck and bridge in B&W Reverse Zebra, which I decided I would toss in there yesterday afternoon, no biggie, right?
Looking good, I think:

Well, I'm fucking blind without my glasses, but I can't see up close with them on, so I either wear reading glasses to work or I take my glasses off. This time, I took my glasses of.
Apparently at some point, I dropped or flung a large blob of hot solder and it happened to land on my neck rest, right next to the binding. It burned all the way through the lacquer, turning it brown.
So, I stripped the neck. I kind of wanted to anyway, since I don't like lacquer necks, but I've learned to deal with them - but they still just aren't as nice as the old raw or barely-finished necks like you find on Charvels and Jackson bolt-ons.
I've seen some home-done sandpaper jobs and I hoped I could do better... It didn't come out too bad, especially considering I had to both learn how/practice as well as make this come out right so I only had one shot, if I do say so myself.
I wiped acetone down the center of the back to soften it, and stripped it with a razor blade, being careful to stay away from the (plastic) binding. Then I used more acetone to do the ends cleanly (marked a line with tape and carefully wiped the finish off right up to it) and I sanded the binding and the remnants that the razor blade didn't get.
It left the grain filler, so a couple of coats of Minwax satin wipe-on poly and it feels pretty good.
So, here it is, a dozen razor blades a little 320, and some wipe-on poly later... Resale value? Who gives a fuck.

Whew. I don't think I want to try that again...
The stock pickups were not to my liking... A little weak. So, bring on the Duncan Distortion neck and bridge in B&W Reverse Zebra, which I decided I would toss in there yesterday afternoon, no biggie, right?
Looking good, I think:

Well, I'm fucking blind without my glasses, but I can't see up close with them on, so I either wear reading glasses to work or I take my glasses off. This time, I took my glasses of.
Apparently at some point, I dropped or flung a large blob of hot solder and it happened to land on my neck rest, right next to the binding. It burned all the way through the lacquer, turning it brown.
So, I stripped the neck. I kind of wanted to anyway, since I don't like lacquer necks, but I've learned to deal with them - but they still just aren't as nice as the old raw or barely-finished necks like you find on Charvels and Jackson bolt-ons.
I've seen some home-done sandpaper jobs and I hoped I could do better... It didn't come out too bad, especially considering I had to both learn how/practice as well as make this come out right so I only had one shot, if I do say so myself.
I wiped acetone down the center of the back to soften it, and stripped it with a razor blade, being careful to stay away from the (plastic) binding. Then I used more acetone to do the ends cleanly (marked a line with tape and carefully wiped the finish off right up to it) and I sanded the binding and the remnants that the razor blade didn't get.
It left the grain filler, so a couple of coats of Minwax satin wipe-on poly and it feels pretty good.
So, here it is, a dozen razor blades a little 320, and some wipe-on poly later... Resale value? Who gives a fuck.

Whew. I don't think I want to try that again...
