So, tonight I finally got the final piece on the guitar to complete another Randy Rhoads makeover
The guitar is a Les Paul Custom 74 Reissue in Aspen White. For those who are not aware of it, these are 74 RI's that are pretty much identical to the Randy Rhoads sig model except without the brass parts and RR serial number. They even have the same 74 reissue pickups in them. Anyway, I think all cream white LPC's need to be converted to RR models
So, I obtained the brass parts from the supplier who made them for Gibson's sig run, replaced the truss rod cover with a blank one, added the Schaller strap locks, replaced the witchhats with gold speed knobs, added pointers under the knobs and, the final part tonight was getting the pickguard engraved with RANDY RHOADS then filling that in with gold paint. It is now a Rhoads clone! The only thing not changed is that I left the Grover tuners on it. I do have a set of original Schaller tuners that could go on it to complete the transformation but I elected not to drill the back of the headstock for Schallers and left the Grovers on. Now my original 74 LPC which previously underwent a similar makeover can stay at home. The 74 RI will be played out live. Here it is before and after.

...and lets not forget the volute!

The paint was just applied today to the engraved pickguard.

Here it is after the RR Makeover:


...and lets not forget the volute!

The paint was just applied today to the engraved pickguard.

Here it is after the RR Makeover:
