I trade this beauty for my Bc rich Kerry King KKV signature...
Simply the perfect guitar..
The humbuckers actually are a Gibson 500 & 498, the single is a S7, the rest is stock..
review coming soon..

20121018_210001 por Josefh Fernandez, en Flickr

20121018_210011 por Josefh Fernandez, en Flickr

20121018_210034 por Josefh Fernandez, en Flickr

20121018_210046 por Josefh Fernandez, en Flickr
Simply the perfect guitar..
The humbuckers actually are a Gibson 500 & 498, the single is a S7, the rest is stock..
review coming soon..

20121018_210001 por Josefh Fernandez, en Flickr

20121018_210011 por Josefh Fernandez, en Flickr

20121018_210034 por Josefh Fernandez, en Flickr

20121018_210046 por Josefh Fernandez, en Flickr