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80's Fender MIJ Strat dilema???

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  • 80's Fender MIJ Strat dilema???

    I have a great 80's Lake Placid Blue MIJ Strat that I bought a while back. Its NOT the RI series but it is still a killer Strat and easily as good or better than my USA model. I had it refretted with jumbo frets and dumped the crap pickups in favor of some Lace Sensor Gold models.

    Problem is that I have a USA in the same configuration right down to the refret as well as pickups. I play a Strat once in a while but not that much and want to have my luthier install an OFR on the MIJ model and drop in some humbuckers.

    I know its just an 80's MIJ but they are really coming up in value and I'm not sure that this mod is the smartest thing really.

    I'd play the guitar waaay more often though cause its got a great chunky D maple neck and would just scream with those mods.


    Buying yet another guitar is not really an option as there are waaay too many now and two more already on order.

    Here is the collection as of last weekend. The two Squier Strat's are the kids in case people are wondering!

    Last edited by vklobucar; 03-11-2013, 05:10 AM.

  • #2
    If you think you'd like it a lot more, I'd say go for it. But it could eviscerate the tone completely. If you're willing to take that risk, (and if it doesn't work in your favour you think you could buy another MIJ and put those mods minus the OFR on it), then definitely give 'er man.


    • #3
      Depends on what radius the MIJ neck has.If its got a vintage profile the floyd saddles will give you problems.The two E strings will be too high and you will have to cut a nut shelf on the neck for a floyd nut.
      You could cut down the two E string floyd saddles and make it work but string bends are going to be tough on a vintage radius neck.
      I would leave it as is or get a 10 degree radius replacement neck and install the floyd.
      Prices are solid on the MIJ strats from the 80's so myself I wouldn't change a thing.
      Really? well screw Mark Twain.


      • #4
        No pointies in that collection makes the Guitar Gods cry.

        Action Jackson


        • #5
          Ya I had thought about the neck radius and installing a OFR on that guitar.

          I recall doing that in the late 80's and having all sorts of metal shims under the floyd saddles to match the curve.

          Better I suppose to keep it in the case and slide it under the bed for another ten years.......

