Originally posted by coloradoman25
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Losing their F#$%^&* minds!!!!!
I can't believe only one other guy thinks four grand is insane for a new Les Paul custom. Like my dad said "there's an ass for every seat." I stress the word "ASS." Also you can't touch a top of the line L.P. now for under $3500.00 unless it's used and that in itself is a shame.Last edited by leftykingv2; 03-12-2013, 01:54 PM.This is what I think of Gibson since 1993.I HATE BEING LEFT HANDED!
I rock out to Baby metal because Wilkinsi said I can't listen to Rick Astley anymore.
The prices ARE nuts. I agree with Lefty. And I have to say, if you pay 4-5 G's for a guitar, it better be dam near perfect. I can't say if the Les Paul's are, or not, because I don't, and won't, ever own a Les Paul. They are boat anchors to me. And apparently expensive ones.Its not just Gibson that's out of touch with prices to be fair....
-Now....shut up n play yer guitar
There are dogs in every price line and every manufacture, and yeah this includes USA Custom Shop Jacksons. If you don't believe this you live under a rockThere are exceptions to EVERYTHING
Consistency has always been a Gibson issue it seems. That is why it is known that you have to weed trough several before finding a good one.
I really had little interest in Gibson LP's other than drooling over Randy Rhoads' 57 exposed 3 PU Black Beauty. I did play a white LPC of a singer for a couple tracks live way back but it was only ...meh and nothing I dug enough to want to buy. Just out of the blue last year I started looking at them...landed as 2012 Trad + fr a good price and have been playing 95% exclusively since March of 2012. If they sucked as bad as people claim them to be I would not have kept it nor would I be in the market for an ebony LPCshawnlutz.com
the high breakage rate has nothing to do with the wrong headstock angle. And anyone from the early 80's will tell you angled headstock w thru bolt locking nuts were far easier to break than gibson's.....trust me i have broken many 80's Charvel and BCRich necks over the years.
as for pricing, they will price them as high as they can until people stop buying them. Hell have you seen the prices of handmade BCRich's lately....
Originally posted by j2379 View Postbrand loyalty and years of history. I had a 90's SG-Z it was a dog, fret work was OK, neck shifted as does almost every 61 reissue type SG, and the guitar wouldnt intonate properly, as the fretboard end was off so the nut was not in the right spot. this was the only Gibson Ive owned, and the newest gibson I had played. My buddy has a small collection of old SG's and they are nice, much better than my old POS.
as for you comments about headstock pitch and lack of a volute, please explain. Ive got a collection of OLDer BCR's basically the same headstock pitch and no volute, no problem? & ghost built, i highly doubt, massaged by their tech i can believe.
& trust me you think Gibson is bad you've never dealt with Wayne. Michael actually had the balls to tell me, i don't know how to maintain my guitars and began naming rock stars that owned Wayne's that didn't have issue. in a simple email i sent him a pic of about 25 early/mid 80's charvel/jacksons and BCRichs that i had at the time, and told him none of these 20+ year old guitars had any issues & with customer service like that Wayne guitars would be as forgotten about as his Ritz guitar line.The back and forth between him Greg Crowe were classic
Originally posted by Hellbat View Post87.4% of all statistics are manufactured.Last edited by leftykingv2; 03-12-2013, 03:33 PM.This is what I think of Gibson since 1993.I HATE BEING LEFT HANDED!
I rock out to Baby metal because Wilkinsi said I can't listen to Rick Astley anymore.
Well, though I wouldn't mind paying $4K for an LPC, nobody can deny that for that kind of money it better be fucking flawless
don't spout bullshit about there being dogs found in everything, "You get what you pay for" should be the definite statement here"There's nothing taking away from the pure masculinity I possess"
-"You like Anime"
Why all the hate at Gibson in this forum anyway? :think:
You'd have better luck here... http://forum.gibson.com/
I had a friend that had a Gibson SG, he had it on a stand on his bed and it fell. The neck broke in half! I've had a beat up squire strat that I used to flip over my shoulder (like Vai and Malmsteen) and drop on it's neck constantly and it never broke; thats a $100 guitar. I was kind of shocked how easily his broke and the price he paid for it. I think he sent it in and actually got it fixed, so at least the customer service is good. He ended up getting an Ibanez Satriani model that he enjoyed a lot more.
I played a couple of LP's and SG's and none of them really did it for me either. Most of them would feed back like crazy and I never really liked how the neck's felt. For the insane prices paid, they better be fucking flawless and amazing IMO. If you have to weed through several $4000 Gibson's to find a decent one then they need to have better quality control. I did play a faded cherry Flying V that sounded great, felt good and looked good.
I probably wouldn't buy a Gibson from the ones I tested and played except for maybe the Flying V, but I would have to play one first.Jackson ke3 kelly trans blue
Jackson Dk2m bengal with emg 81/85
I always wanted a Les Paul. There just seemed to be wild differences between each one that I played in feel and tone. Very inconsistent... That being said, it just wasn't what I liked. If I found one that jived with me, I would bag it. I just haven't played one in a store that I liked. I would never buy one un-played.
-NateInsert annoying equipment list here....
I can't say that Gibson has the most neck breaks. My friends SG was the only one I've seen. After playing a couple of different Gibson's I know their not for me. I would still like to have faded cherry V though...
I don't really think there are many guitars that are 'hand made' now days. If I was going to take a risk on a custom guitar right now, I would probably go with Carvin. Their 7-10 week delivery time seems pretty attractive (if it's true) and they have lot's of options and their quilted maple looks stunning.Jackson ke3 kelly trans blue
Jackson Dk2m bengal with emg 81/85