Originally posted by paulbag
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Losing their F#$%^&* minds!!!!!
Originally posted by leftykingv2 View PostI could honestly care less if any you believe what I am saying about what my friends have been through with their Gibsons. Believe what you want. I just left one of the guys house's and he is damn near heart broken about it. Do what you want and to quote " Hans and Franz; Hear me now and believe me later" If you drop one of those things you'll be in the same boat. I' am glad I have kept my 76 in the case the whole time I've had it other wise I could be in the hot water.
Also, yes, there are no doubt a lot of Gibson headstock repairs. Gibson are one of the best selling guitars in the world, so it's simple statistics that they are going to be repairing a lot of them.
The Volute is still available by the way. Granted, in small numbers. Gibson does make a small batch of 74 LPC Reissues. These have a Volute.
Originally posted by emperor_black View PostLOL Mike.yeah I meant that one. but I do know that the Lifeson's have a floyd. I was pleasantly surprised when I went to a RUSH concert in November and Lifeson was ripping away on black LP's with a floyd!
Some experiences with it: more comfy than traditional LP's ( lighter, belly scarf, heel-less neck joint) but stock Gibby pups sound like shit, Floyd was not set up to be as responsive as on other shredders- good for basic dive bombs, minor pull ups & vibrato but couldn't flutter or produce more subtle effects-
oh one more thing....if you drop a Les Paul it will snap the neck. If you drop a Jackson or Charvel pointy it well break the headstock. We've all seen plenty of pointy Charvel and Jackson headstocks broken from shipping or dropping. I've personally had that happen to one I bought, open up the case to see the face of the headstock snapped in two by the tuners.shawnlutz.com
Insert annoying equipment list here....
Originally posted by Shawn Lutz View Postoh one more thing....if you drop a Les Paul it will snap the neck. If you drop a Jackson or Charvel pointy it well break the headstock. We've all seen plenty of pointy Charvel and Jackson headstocks broken from shipping or dropping. I've personally had that happen to one I bought, open up the case to see the face of the headstock snapped in two by the tuners.
Originally posted by nateb View PostHail yesterday
Originally posted by emperor_black View PostLOL Mike.yeah I meant that one. but I do know that the Lifeson's have a floyd. I was pleasantly surprised when I went to a RUSH concert in November and Lifeson was ripping away on black LP's with a floyd!
Holy shit this guy still wants to argue I find that funny in and of itself.
His friends must be ex import Schecter,BC Rich Bronze players and be doing the "around the world" move with their L.P's.
Its a L.P. take care of it don't toss it around dumbass.Really? well screw Mark Twain.