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Help to decide wich guitar to buy

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  • Help to decide wich guitar to buy

    Hi everyone. I'm currently helping a friend of mine to choose a guitar to buy, i recommended jackson, and for the money he wishes to spend, he choosed the JS22 dinky, but i have some doubts on that choice. The Dean Vendetta XM Natural is cheaper and doesn't have one of thoose vintage style trems, that are a great help to detune the guitar i think, while the dean uses a tuneomatic bridge. Another thing is the body wood, the dinky has Cedro and the dean Paulownia, even being cheap i wish he gets the best. So can someone help me here, to choose between these too? Thanks in advance.
    Last edited by anarkhos; 04-03-2013, 08:03 AM.

  • #2
    I'm not to familiar with either, but I'd chose a double locking trem over a v-trem any day.


    • #3
      go with the jackson(of course). that dean is probably made in china. the korean ones are good but that low take a pass. the js jackson are not too bad. if you want to change tunings and the js doesn't stay in tune add more springs.


      • #4
        Does the guitar have to be new? There are several better options out there used. Just have to look around on craigslist and feebay.
        It's pronounced soops


        • #5
          yes, to use with a gift voucher. Craiglist in my country sucks , unfortunately. We also checked a couple ibanez around the same price as the js22 with a hardtail bridge aswell.


          • #6
            Buy a Soloist ATN Pro...
            Action Jackson


            • #7
              yeah i wish i could . I forgot to mention that we are looking for fixed bridge guitars.

