Originally posted by straycat
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36 fret 3 octave electric guitar build thread.
Last edited by charvelsteen; 12-22-2013, 02:41 PM.Birds like you fly straight to heaven
Originally posted by Force View Post
Only problem is she has too many teeth.
Awesome work on the guitar mate. That paint definitely looks better than the mock up.
yeah the colors turned out good thanks. its tiedie material but it sort of looks marbleized now.Birds like you fly straight to heaven
Originally posted by straycat View PostLove the color so its all good LOL
At this point you could countersink it just be real careful.
Not rubbing it in my friend.
Thanks for the feedback tho i appreciate it.
RaphBirds like you fly straight to heaven
I'm back. This has been an incredible amount of work. Since my last post i have worked on this almost everyday. To be honest it is wearing me out. I should have spent more time sanding/preparing the body before i started on the finish. I am chasing my tail like a mental dog.
I have gone overboard i know that much. The neck is completely covered but i will e bursting in paint around the back up to the neck heel and pp the inside of the horns to clean up the joins.
I decided on Virtus as the logo name ''Latin for virtuoso''. I was originally inspired by the hamer virtuoso 36 fret guitar so i decided to pay tribute to it. :thumbup:
I Still hava heap of work to do but the hardest part is over I hope anyway. Pictures may look rough in spots but i assure you it will come up fantastic at the end.Last edited by charvelsteen; 01-20-2014, 05:37 PM.Birds like you fly straight to heaven
Originally posted by charvelsteen View Post^^Thanks brothers of shred!^^
Do you guys like the logo and name choice? :think:This is what I think of Gibson since 1993.I HATE BEING LEFT HANDED!
I rock out to Baby metal because Wilkinsi said I can't listen to Rick Astley anymore.
Originally posted by leftykingv2 View PostThe "Virtus" Logo is sweet and it has a very profound meaning. Correct me if I am wrong but wasn't that a word from ancient Rome meaning Valor, courage, or like strength and manliness?
I found it when i was looking at the definition haha
Birds like you fly straight to heaven
Originally posted by charvelsteen View PostI think it has other meanings yeah.
I found it when i was looking at the definition haha
http://www.thefreedictionary.com/virtuosoThis is what I think of Gibson since 1993.I HATE BEING LEFT HANDED!
I rock out to Baby metal because Wilkinsi said I can't listen to Rick Astley anymore.
Originally posted by leftykingv2 View PostBirds like you fly straight to heaven