But I have no clue what it is. Picked it up at a tag sale for $25, including case.
Paint has been sanded off, so it needs a refin. Not a big deal since I've been looking to do some refin work of my own and didn't want to touch anything I currently have right now.
I can't seem to find anything on the net that resembles this thing. The string lock, trem, input jack loaction - can't find anything with these. It could be a mutt, who knows. According to the serial number, it looks to be a MIK 1987 made in the Peerless factory.

Paint has been sanded off, so it needs a refin. Not a big deal since I've been looking to do some refin work of my own and didn't want to touch anything I currently have right now.
I can't seem to find anything on the net that resembles this thing. The string lock, trem, input jack loaction - can't find anything with these. It could be a mutt, who knows. According to the serial number, it looks to be a MIK 1987 made in the Peerless factory.
