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Another winner from Gibson

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  • #16
    $5000 and no binding and that fugly headstock? Ick
    H3LL IS HOME!!!


    • #17
      I haven't liked anything they've produced product wise since they moved out of Michigan. I hate that company.
      This is what I think of Gibson since 1993. I HATE BEING LEFT HANDED! I rock out to Baby metal because Wilkinsi said I can't listen to Rick Astley anymore.


      • #18
        lol - what else can you say?
        -Now....shut up n play yer guitar


        • #19
          Shark successfully jumped.
          The last thing I want to do is hurt you...but it's still on the list.


          • #20
   Just three easy payments of four grand and this very rare dog can be yours. Thank Henry the ass hat.
            This is what I think of Gibson since 1993. I HATE BEING LEFT HANDED! I rock out to Baby metal because Wilkinsi said I can't listen to Rick Astley anymore.


            • #21
              Originally posted by leftykingv2 View Post
     Just three easy payments of four grand and this very rare dog can be yours. Thank Henry the ass hat.
              I'm not a relic fan. It drives me nuts that they take a brand new guitar, make it look old and then charge a bunch for it. I can take a brand new guitar beat the hell out of it and try to sell it for a bunch more and what would I get for all of my hard work? A lot less money. Oh and btw the original post's Gibson is stupid.
              I want to go out nice and peaceful in my sleep like my grandfather, not screaming and hollering like the passengers in his car.


              • #22
                Originally posted by tomanyjacksons View Post
                I'm not a relic fan. It drives me nuts that they take a brand new guitar, make it look old and then charge a bunch for it. I can take a brand new guitar beat the hell out of it and try to sell it for a bunch more and what would I get for all of my hard work? A lot less money. Oh and btw the original post's Gibson is stupid.
                That's my point exactly. They try to charge a fuck ton of cash because they beat the shit out of it and Joe Walsh signed it. There's nothing about this guitar that makes this price acceptable. I for one will not be paying their legal bills from all of their lost litigation.
                This is what I think of Gibson since 1993. I HATE BEING LEFT HANDED! I rock out to Baby metal because Wilkinsi said I can't listen to Rick Astley anymore.


                • #23
                  Things like this new LPX are why too much technology is a bad thing. I am all for technology but I also know how to tune my guitar so why would I want a computer to do it for me? This is where things get sketchy as well because there were a lot of problems with the self tuning guitar they first released getting stuck in DADGAD. Soon you will just be able to plug a guitar in and it'll play for you. No player needed will be Henry's "Advancement" In tech. Give me a break.
                  This is what I think of Gibson since 1993. I HATE BEING LEFT HANDED! I rock out to Baby metal because Wilkinsi said I can't listen to Rick Astley anymore.


                  • #24
                    While this is a ghastly guitar, I can see a day when your Axe-FX is an on-board effect, and you can just direct out/FOH anywhere, with your tones and presets all carried in the guitar. Implemented correctly, that might be really cool for a hired gun type gig-



                    • #25
                      I pray that day never comes. Technology has pretty much ruined the music industry. I am the only guy around my part of town who still thinks LP's sound better than CD's. I also hate Digital recording as well. I have recorded both ways and I don't care what anyone says. Two inch analog tape will always sound better to me. I remember when they started coming out with all those high gain solid state guitar amps and people started saying "Oh soon these will be better than tube amps." Look at solid state now. Some solid state amps sound great but I'd rather have a tube amp any day of the week. Just my opinion.
                      This is what I think of Gibson since 1993. I HATE BEING LEFT HANDED! I rock out to Baby metal because Wilkinsi said I can't listen to Rick Astley anymore.

