played the crap out of this last night and discovered I had an extra D-tuna in my other GMW case.
I must've bought 2 of them when I got the one that's on the Blue one.
Deciding on whether or not to keep this became a lot harder last night. this thing really plays great
and I dialed in a couple of JVM patches that sound killer with it.
Worked on "Viking Kong" by Racer X last night using this and I was actually "getting there" .
I need to hit a scratch ticket
I must've bought 2 of them when I got the one that's on the Blue one.
Deciding on whether or not to keep this became a lot harder last night. this thing really plays great
and I dialed in a couple of JVM patches that sound killer with it.
Worked on "Viking Kong" by Racer X last night using this and I was actually "getting there" .
I need to hit a scratch ticket