Especially the higher end guitars. Yeah Yeah I know the lower end guitars ...Squiers, Epiphones, and any others that average to less than $300 per unit DO use much cheaper components and materials, but if enough time is spent on these lower end guits, a decent setup, a little sandpaper here and there, they can be made to play JUST as well as the ones that cost on average $2000. I'm not comparing these lower end guits to CS models cuz those are a different animal all together with the care that's put into their production. I'm referring to the regular old production models that the big brand companies pump out at huge rate.
They use the same CNC machines to cut what needs to be cut/routed/drilled ...maybe not the exact same ones, but pretty much the same concept. program it into a computer and push a button I can see maybe ...MAYBE a $300 markup on these higher end units, but I just don't see justification for any more than that.
They use the same CNC machines to cut what needs to be cut/routed/drilled ...maybe not the exact same ones, but pretty much the same concept. program it into a computer and push a button I can see maybe ...MAYBE a $300 markup on these higher end units, but I just don't see justification for any more than that.