I was 14 when 1984 came out and from my perspective back them, no one played better or made playing the guitar as cool as Edward Van Halen. The music of Van Halen and the 80's video images inspired me to pick up the guitar. I spent hours listening, reading, watching music videos, playing the guitar and trying to learn anything Van Halen. While I never actually achieved my adolescent dreams of becoming a super cool Rock Star, I still reflect on these nostalgic experiences fondly. Of course, as I grew older and gained experience my musical tastes expanded but even to this day, I still have Van Halen in heavy rotation on my iTUNES. Of course, I always wanted a Kramer guitar back in the day, but being a kid, forget it. No way I was ever going to find the cash to own one, especially a Baretta. After spending a few years on the lookout of a good used Baretta, I finally decided to try and make one.
I decided to build a replica of the 1983 Baretta. For anyone that has checked out Vintage Kramer, this is known as the "Grail" as it was the very first year for the model and only a very limited number where actually produced that year. I used this famous photo as inspiration.

So, after the long preamble, here is how the guitar turned out. I researched the spec's at Vintage Kramer http://www.vintagekramer.com/baretta1.htm
Poplar Body Wood
Original Floyd with Brass Block from Floyd Upgrades
Rock Maple Neck
Rosewood Board 12 inch Radius
I put in an EVH Wolfgang Pick up that I had laying around - Sounds killer and I did not want to try and research and find a vintage Schaller pick up. I used automotive paint (Pearl colour) with Nitro Clear.

Its a great player. The action is very low and the Wolfgang pickup with the tone wood combination is very responsive, almost snappy. I would say it has a percussive quality about it. The tone is balanced but slightly brighter. Sounds monstrous through the 5150 amp. I still need to make the cover plate for the electronics cavity.
I decided to build a replica of the 1983 Baretta. For anyone that has checked out Vintage Kramer, this is known as the "Grail" as it was the very first year for the model and only a very limited number where actually produced that year. I used this famous photo as inspiration.

So, after the long preamble, here is how the guitar turned out. I researched the spec's at Vintage Kramer http://www.vintagekramer.com/baretta1.htm
Poplar Body Wood
Original Floyd with Brass Block from Floyd Upgrades
Rock Maple Neck
Rosewood Board 12 inch Radius
I put in an EVH Wolfgang Pick up that I had laying around - Sounds killer and I did not want to try and research and find a vintage Schaller pick up. I used automotive paint (Pearl colour) with Nitro Clear.

Its a great player. The action is very low and the Wolfgang pickup with the tone wood combination is very responsive, almost snappy. I would say it has a percussive quality about it. The tone is balanced but slightly brighter. Sounds monstrous through the 5150 amp. I still need to make the cover plate for the electronics cavity.