Hi folks, first post 
So I hear you guys know your stuff and like a challenge.
I've recently had this urge to own or create something truly custom. To that end I've just purchased a bitsa guitar which is now enroute to me from America to Australia. All indicators are that it's a lovely player as is. I'll admit I got hooked by the look and it seems a great platform for my own mods. The neck is a mint Warmoth job which will do nicely for now although I already have plans for a maple reverse replacement down the track. The pickup is a modded Custom 5 fwiw.
I'm super curious about what it is I've actually got here bodywise. As you can see, the only two semi-reliable indicators are the knob position and the bridge. With my limited knowledge, everything else remains a mystery until I can see what's under that pickguard. So with this little information, does anyone want to have a stab at what this originated as?

What I (think I) know so far:
1. The neck plate and serial don't seem to check out. No surprise.
2. The knob position doesn't seem to match any guitar that I can find other than an actual EVH. But then the EVHs had Floyds and I don't believe for a second that someone's frankensteined their .. actual Frankenstein. But then creating a new pot hole in that spot seems like a pretty anal and unlikely move.
3. The seller seemed pretty sure it is an alder body. The pics don't dismiss this as untrue to my eyes. So if it's alder, that further limits the options.
Obviously this all speculation until I actually get hold of it and maybe it's just a tricked up Bangladeshi special. And I'm perfectly fine with that cos it's gonna be badass. Once I get my hands on it I'll update the info. Meantime, anyone got any good guesses?

So I hear you guys know your stuff and like a challenge.
I've recently had this urge to own or create something truly custom. To that end I've just purchased a bitsa guitar which is now enroute to me from America to Australia. All indicators are that it's a lovely player as is. I'll admit I got hooked by the look and it seems a great platform for my own mods. The neck is a mint Warmoth job which will do nicely for now although I already have plans for a maple reverse replacement down the track. The pickup is a modded Custom 5 fwiw.
I'm super curious about what it is I've actually got here bodywise. As you can see, the only two semi-reliable indicators are the knob position and the bridge. With my limited knowledge, everything else remains a mystery until I can see what's under that pickguard. So with this little information, does anyone want to have a stab at what this originated as?

What I (think I) know so far:
1. The neck plate and serial don't seem to check out. No surprise.
2. The knob position doesn't seem to match any guitar that I can find other than an actual EVH. But then the EVHs had Floyds and I don't believe for a second that someone's frankensteined their .. actual Frankenstein. But then creating a new pot hole in that spot seems like a pretty anal and unlikely move.
3. The seller seemed pretty sure it is an alder body. The pics don't dismiss this as untrue to my eyes. So if it's alder, that further limits the options.
Obviously this all speculation until I actually get hold of it and maybe it's just a tricked up Bangladeshi special. And I'm perfectly fine with that cos it's gonna be badass. Once I get my hands on it I'll update the info. Meantime, anyone got any good guesses?