In mentally wrestling over which maple necked/boarded shredder I was going to acquire to satiate my GAS, I narrowed it down to the Charvel MIM Pro Mod San Dimas 1 HH in slime green and the Ibanez Jem 77 BFP.
Had a chance to play both at the nearby Sam Ash and the Jem emerged victorious. The Jem excelled in some key areas- 24 frets vs. 22, better upper fret access, superior Floyd system, broader tonal capabilities, better fret dressing/fret board rolling, the Dimarzio Gravity p'ups were sweet and it comes with a HSC. The only advantage the Charvel had was it's toggle switch (I prefer 'em but with 3 p'ups, you almost HAVE to have a blade switch) and the slime green hue.
No contest.
Oh, and I snagged a like-new one for less than a G on Reverb. Game over.
Should arrive on Friday after Thanksgiving. That's how you do Black Friday
Had a chance to play both at the nearby Sam Ash and the Jem emerged victorious. The Jem excelled in some key areas- 24 frets vs. 22, better upper fret access, superior Floyd system, broader tonal capabilities, better fret dressing/fret board rolling, the Dimarzio Gravity p'ups were sweet and it comes with a HSC. The only advantage the Charvel had was it's toggle switch (I prefer 'em but with 3 p'ups, you almost HAVE to have a blade switch) and the slime green hue.
No contest.
Oh, and I snagged a like-new one for less than a G on Reverb. Game over.
Should arrive on Friday after Thanksgiving. That's how you do Black Friday
