Picked up some stuff for a STEAL!!! 2000 MIJ RG570 with Roadrunner HSC. Has everything except had to order neck screws and bushings and need one trem post (has a cracked allen head). If anyone has a line on a trem stud, let me know. They're like $35+shipping on ebay ($27 just for one from Ibanez.. ouch). Has the top 5 frets scalloped (for some reason..). Anyway, I'll build it up when the neck screws/bushings get here. This Wizard neck is THIN...

Also in the deal was a Gluff Strat body (sold on ebay I guess). Seems to be good quality Has a 5/16" flamed maple cap and the body is dark like walnut or something but looks like mahogany grain..?? Routed for H-S and a floyd so may build a mutt with it.

Also was a homemade Tele body and a box of parts. Mostly crap but also had a Gibson Master Tune Vibrola bridge. Made by Schaller. Probably sell it..

Ready for the best part?? $50 for all of it..

Also in the deal was a Gluff Strat body (sold on ebay I guess). Seems to be good quality Has a 5/16" flamed maple cap and the body is dark like walnut or something but looks like mahogany grain..?? Routed for H-S and a floyd so may build a mutt with it.

Also was a homemade Tele body and a box of parts. Mostly crap but also had a Gibson Master Tune Vibrola bridge. Made by Schaller. Probably sell it..

Ready for the best part?? $50 for all of it..
