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I have an idea for a Custom GMW, but would like your thoughts and opinions on it

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  • #31
    Re: I have an idea for a Custom GMW, but would like your thoughts and opinions on it

    Word, as a player of 20+ years, I would only advise you to put a lot of thought into a custom-made guitar. Think much more about the functional stuff than the graphics. While we all have gone through wanting our heroes' axes (I wanted a right-handed Iommi SG for years), you'll ultimately be happier, from my experience, if you think about what YOU like in a guitar. I don't want to sound like a Master of the Obvious, but I have spent multiple $1000's over the last 20 years buying guitars because one guitar hero or another played them, or because they looked cool or had a reputation. The vast majority of those guitars I ended up selling at a loss because they weren't right for me. I guess in these eBay days you can usually get your investment back, but the principle still applies.

    You sound like you have a pretty good idea of what specific features you like in a guitar, but think about making a detailed list of everything from the tuners to the strap pins that you prefer. Graphics should be the LAST concern--you can do anything with that, but ultimately a custom guitar should reflect you, think of it as your 'signature model'. A custom shop will do pretty much whatever you want, and it sounds like you can't go wrong with either GMW or Jackson, although the wait times on Jackson are pretty long. The thing with a custom-made guitar is that you will never be able to sell it for nearly what you paid for it, the way you might be able to with a regular production guitar--so think of making something that you foresee playing for the next decade or two.


    • #32
      Re: I have an idea for a Custom GMW, but would like your thoughts and opinions on it

      Hmm...nope. If there was no overhang, then the neck pocket is not the same as a strat 22 fret neck and pocket. Its a whole different ballgame to have a 24 fret guitar without the loooong overhang like on the Warmoth 24 fret necks. Those are the only ones that will bolt on a standard 22 fret strat body, and then you'll never reach the top frets.
      In theory you could add two frets to the head end of the neck, but then the bridge would be in the middle of the body somewhere.
      22 fret guitars and 24 fret guitars are two way dfifferent animals.


      • #33
        Re: I have an idea for a Custom GMW, but would like your thoughts and opinions on it

        Are Ibanez not coming out with a replacement for the Lo-Pro Edge. So I read somewhere.


        • #34
          Re: I have an idea for a Custom GMW, but would like your thoughts and opinions on it

          They've already come out with it. It's called the Edge Pro.. entirely different subject for an entirely different thread, bro.


          • #35
            Re: I have an idea for a Custom GMW, but would like your thoughts and opinions on it

            I should probably clarify what I meant. I was just wondering about future availability of Lo-Pro Edges, although I don't suppose supplies will dry up overnight. Sounds like a cool guitar though. Not a fan of Flame Maple necks, as I subscribe to the view that they potentially have stability problems, but then there are folk who have been playing guitars with such necks for years and haven't had a problem. [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]


            • #36
              Re: I have an idea for a Custom GMW, but would like your thoughts and opinions on it

              or he could just buy my reissue III and pretend the green quilt looks like godzilla... heck if i hold it a certain way the quilt kinda looks like horns...




              • #37
                Re: I have an idea for a Custom GMW, but would like your thoughts and opinions on it

                Originally posted by Banjowarrior:
                I should probably clarify what I meant. I was just wondering about future availability of Lo-Pro Edges, although I don't suppose supplies will dry up overnight. Sounds like a cool guitar though. Not a fan of Flame Maple necks, as I subscribe to the view that they potentially have stability problems, but then there are folk who have been playing guitars with such necks for years and haven't had a problem. [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]
                <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Yeah, I may not be going with flame maple.

                But, I don't think there will be availability problems with Lo Pro Edges. They will keep making parts, I guess.. or hope anyway. [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]


                • #38
                  Re: I have an idea for a Custom GMW, but would like your thoughts and opinions on it

                  Word, don't listen to Ethan. I know this is a bad example, but Kirk Hammett has had the mummy on his guitar for atleast 7-10 years now. I'm not sure. But if you really want that graphic, go for it!

                  I agree with the 24 fret problem though. What are you going to do about that? You're going to have to probably get a different body design if you want full access to all of them. I'd definately take atleast a month to think about this, and get all the pros and cons of just about every part of this guiter. I normally think of a custom shop guitar as my dream guitar ^.^ And since i lack the funds, i have no basis for my advice, sooooooooo ya. Just think on it before you fully submit your quote, and let us know the results!


                  • #39
                    Re: I have an idea for a Custom GMW, but would like your thoughts and opinions on it

                    Don't listen to me? Why not? The graphic WILL cost a lot, it WILL most likely have to have covered pickups in order to look it's best, and I WOULDN'T get a guitar with that kind of graphic on it. What's there not to listen to? I gave him two facts and my opinion, which is what the point of this thread is.


                    • #40
                      Re: I have an idea for a Custom GMW, but would like your thoughts and opinions on it

                      Well isn't it obvious that Word doesn't really care how much it costs? He seemed to like the-Bah, not worth it. Not like you'll look at it from my point of view anyway. [img]graemlins/rant.gif[/img]

                      Go for it! You can do it!!

                      I personally like this graphic that i found on the GMW site [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

                      I love old brass gadgits and gears and stuff from old technology ^.^


                      • #41
                        Re: I have an idea for a Custom GMW, but would like your thoughts and opinions on it

                        What is it with the rash of people telling people to only listen to the opinions that are what they want to hear. If they don't want both sides (pros and cons) they shouldn't ask. Especially not in a place like this. [img]graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]


                        • #42
                          Re: I have an idea for a Custom GMW, but would like your thoughts and opinions on it

                          Biggest problem with a 24fret strat is that you lose the 'strat sound' of the neck and middle/neck pickup combinations due to the placement of the pickups.

                          Also, the pickups get closer together too, a reason why I can't stand 24.75" strats with H/S/S pickups - the pickups are so close together you lose a lot of the different tones from a 25.5" 22 fret guitar.

                          Just my opinion, and you're welcome to it! [img]images/icons/grin.gif[/img]



                          • #43
                            Re: I have an idea for a Custom GMW, but would like your thoughts and opinions on it

                            I guess PartsMutt didn't like me disagreeing with him.

                            [ April 04, 2003, 01:57 AM: Message edited by: Chuckracer ]


                            • #44
                              Re: I have an idea for a Custom GMW, but would like your thoughts and opinions on it

                              You definitely don't get a 'real' strat sound with the 24-fretters due to the pickup positioning, but it doesn't sound like that's a big deal to Word. The 24 fret 'superstrat' has its own unique sound world, which I actually prefer to a regular strat. I prefer to have a neck pickup with a brighter sound--you can always roll off the treble using either the volume or tone controls. But's that merely my opinion, of course.


                              • #45
                                Re: I have an idea for a Custom GMW, but would like your thoughts and opinions on it

                                Stop worrying about another guitar, Get out of your bedroom and get in a band, any band, you have a very good seed of talent but if you want to do anything with music you have to play with people and experience music, really live it. Then you will know what you NEED on a guitar not what you think you want. [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

                                [ April 04, 2003, 11:57 AM: Message edited by: skidd ]

