Several guys have made comments recently about BC Rich custom shop guitars and their dissatisfaction with the current quality. For those who don't already know, Neal Moser is now crafting hand made custom shop guitars, some of which are based on his original designs for the Rich Bich 10 string model, others that are completely original Moser Custom Shop (MCS) designs. Their web address is Check them out! Neal is working with many guys from the original BC Rich wood shop and is using GMW Guitar Works for their finishes. He's also doing completely original custom customer requests.
Nope, I don't work for them...I've just had the pleasure of communicating with Neal about a custom order and found him to be a great guy. He's well regarded in the guitar industry, full of knowledge and innovative ideas. For BC Rich fans dissatisfied with their current operations, my guess is that MCS Custom Shop would be the way to go, next to GMW.
Nope, I don't work for them...I've just had the pleasure of communicating with Neal about a custom order and found him to be a great guy. He's well regarded in the guitar industry, full of knowledge and innovative ideas. For BC Rich fans dissatisfied with their current operations, my guess is that MCS Custom Shop would be the way to go, next to GMW.