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GMW price qoutes

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  • GMW price qoutes

    I got a question to ask the people who have ordered GMW guitars. Using all the stuff they have on their site, I figured out a custom of my idea would be $2475. Would this be list or the actual cost? If it is list I will proceed to take a huge dump in my pants. Thanks for any help I can get.

  • #2
    Re: GMW price qoutes

    Your pants (and anyone around you) will thank's the real price, not a BS "list price". Since it's direct to you and not through a middleman guitar store, list price would be kind of a waste, just to make you think you're getting so much a better deal. Carvin does that and, though I love my Carvin guitars, I always thought that them presenting "list price" was somehow a little shady.


    • #3
      Re: GMW price qoutes

      Well if I went to Jackson it would cost me around 3300 with a 70% of the list. I plan on getting a Carvin DC727. Maybe, just maybe one day I can get a GMW 7 string Warrior with that nice German Navy Camo graphic and some Iron Cross inlays. That would be good stuff. Although I got my hopes up, and I would rather have that a list price and crap in my pants.. well shorts actually, which would mean it would run right down my leg, I thank you for your help. You killed my dreams though...


      • #4
        Re: GMW price qoutes

        DAve, what kind of guitar did you spec out at GMW for that price? Are you getting one of the $800 graphics?


        • #5
          Re: GMW price qoutes

          It was a $500 dollar graphic. The German Navy Camo. It was going to be a Neck-Through 7 string Warrior. Iron Cross inlays. I am going to go with a Carvin DC727 though, for a lot less money, and still a cool guitar.


          • #6
            Re: GMW price qoutes

            Nice guitar, but comparing that to a custom GMW like you spec'd out is kinda silly.


            • #7
              Re: GMW price qoutes

              I completely understand that. Two totally different guitars. I was thinking that Carvin doesn't offer neck and head binding so I actually might send it to GMW to have them take the frets out, bind it, and put some new frets in. I don't know how it would cost, but it might be worth it. I will have to wait and get one and then see if it would be worth it. I wouldn't mind getting a GMW custom because I have NEVER heard a bad word about them. Just a money issue for me.


              • #8
                Re: GMW price qoutes

                Can't you just get Carvin to put the binding on?


                • #9
                  Re: GMW price qoutes

                  I read somewhere in the message boards over there that they only do body binding on the TL60 and on some of the acoustic/electrics. I will have to call up and ask when I get the money together. Either way it will be a nice guitar.


                  • #10
                    Re: GMW price qoutes

                    A binding job will be very pricey. Factor in a fretjob and atleast a partial refin on top of the cost to route the binding channel and actually bind the guitar. I bet it would be a $1K job, easily more.


                    • #11
                      Re: GMW price qoutes

                      Waoh! lol. Forget that. I figured it would be somewhat cheap becuase on GMW's site it says binding neck and head is 50 bucks. I knew it would be more for the frets and all. Binding to me is more of a thing of look so it isn't really worth that much. Tops I was gonna pay for something like that was like 120 bucks lol. But like I said, it isn't that important.


                      • #12
                        Re: GMW price qoutes

                        Let me see if I can give you an idea, I had binding added to my Carvin V at GMW a few years ago. As I remember, it was something like...

                        $100-150 for the actual binding (neck/headstock)
                        $200 or so for re-fret

                        There could be other work/cost involved, always best to ask them for a quote.

                        If you want them to stick those Iron Cross inlays on there, I'd guess around $200-300. I'm not sure if GMW could do those themselves, or if they would have to send it to the "inlay guy", which would significantly jump the timeframe up by a few to several weeks.

                        That help?



                        • #13
                          Re: GMW price qoutes

                          Yeah, thanks a lot. I don't think I will worry about it. I might get binding later down the road, but for when I first get it, I will leave it the same.

