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  • CAPARISON guitars

    OK...this may have been brought up before, and I've been away for a if this has been a topic of dicussion before, please post it here.

    Does anyone know if CAPARISON guitars will be imported into the States? Or is there already a distributor over here that may be selling them? I am seeing them turn up more often now, and I'm getting the itch to try one to see what the buzz is all about.


  • #2
    Re: CAPARISON guitars

    You have to buy it from Japan.
    Sme dealers will ship internationally.
    Try Ishibashii gakki.
    If you type these words in Google, itshould show their website address.
    E-mail them and they should be able to help you.



    • #3
      Re: CAPARISON guitars

      I was told that Ishibashi doesn't ship to america anymore. does anybody know a site that does ?


      • #4
        Re: CAPARISON guitars

        Ikebe doesn't.
        How about Kurosawa.
        They import a lot of Jackson guitars and they should be able to helpy you.Type Kurosawa Gakki and find thier website.


        • #5
          Re: CAPARISON guitars

          There are middle-man sites that'll let you bid from Yahoo Japan. They'll bid and recieve for you, then ship to you when it comes to sellers who don't ship internationally (for a fee of course). is my favorite. They mainly do cartoon cels and collectibles, but they'll bid on anything on Yahoo if you e-mail and ask.

          I was just minutes away from bidding on a Caparison, but when I realized I was about to spend around $1200 for something I've never touched and ultimately don't know anythig about, I decided against it. I want one, but want to know more before spending that kind of money on one.


          • #6
            Re: CAPARISON guitars

            Exactly right...I can't see spending that much on one of these. I mean...they do look like well built guitars, but I'd like to at least try one somehow.
            We all know Jackson/Charvels very well buying one sight unseen isn't crazy at all....but never having the chance to see or play one of these first might be too much of a gamble.


            • #7
              Re: CAPARISON guitars

              Originally posted by dinkyjacksonman:
              Ikebe doesn't.
              How about Kurosawa.
              They import a lot of Jackson guitars and they should be able to helpy you.Type Kurosawa Gakki and find thier website.
              <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">I just checked that site out, and really like this one:



              • #8
                Re: CAPARISON guitars

                I´ve tried a couple of Caparisons at a clinic...they seemed like solid guitars, and the necks were pretty fat and nice. Beware if you´re into thin speed-necks, though.


                • #9
                  Re: CAPARISON guitars

                  Fat necks, eh? Now I'm kinda glad I didn't get one because I do like thin necks.


                  • #10
                    Re: CAPARISON guitars

                    The ones I tried out were the same model in different finishes, the other Caparisons might have thinner necks. I don´t know.


                    • #11
                      Re: CAPARISON guitars


                      Which models were they? (if you can remember)...I'm particularly interested in the Horus model. But that Flying V with the cross inlays is pretty sick looking also!

                      Fat necks wont work for me [img]images/icons/frown.gif[/img] ...hope they offer different neck profiles


                      • #12
                        Re: CAPARISON guitars

                        If you're in the CT area, I'll let you play mine to check it out. Feels similar to my 88 soloist neck. Mine was the one on eBay.
                        I have also played the 27 fret bolt-ons, and the neck reminded me of an ESP M-II (profile, width, depth) crossed with an Ibanez feel to the finish.
                        Hope that helps.


                        • #13
                          Re: CAPARISON guitars

                          Those are the same guitars that I was able to play - at PP2, BW& BK Fest, and PP4
                          They are VERY well made.. and they take a beating - I can't believe how much Henrik has chewed up his natural Koa in the 2 yrs he has had it. It is on the face, from how heavy he picks


                          • #14
                            Re: CAPARISON guitars

                            Originally posted by Brian:
                            Hey Warrior -

                            I am pretty good friends with the guys in EVERGREY (Tom and Henrik are endorsed by Caparison), and we have talked at length about the quality of their guitars. They have their models custom built for them, even the pickups are their own design and made to their specs. Tom told me he could get me one just like his (even with the "E" inlay at the 12th fret), but it would be expensive, and even moreso to ship from Sweden. But he said they are every bit as good quality wise as Jacksons. Henrik's is an awesome natural koa soloist can see pics of their axes at their website (
                            <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Brian...TOO F'IN COOL!....EVERGREY is exactly what sparked my recent interest in these guitars! I am totally nuts about their sound on Recreation Day! I am VERY familiar with Tomas and Henrik's Caparisons.
                            Friends with them eh?...Are they coming stateside anytime soon in support of REC DAY?
                            I'd love to hear how they are live!...RD has been hogging my CD player for about a week and 1/2 now, and showing no signs of getting out anytime soon! [img]images/icons/grin.gif[/img]



                            • #15
                              Re: CAPARISON guitars

                              Ken -
                              They did a small US tour in Aug/Sept, ending in Atlanta at Progpower, and then on to Greenland then Europe for a few shows.
                              I do know they were talking about a larger tour at one point....

