I was in my favorite local music store today and noticed that mixed together were Epiphone LP Standards made in Korea and China. So, I asked the slaes dude and he said yep, the new EPI are made in China, well the ones that were made in Korea anyhow. The Elites are still made in Japan. This Made in China thing is getting out of control. I meen to steal business from Korea, they must really make nothing per hour over there? Sad state of afairs I feel. Jack.
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Epiphone Now Made In China
Re: Epiphone Now Made In China
ah, i see. I did notice the quality was about the same and I must say, the newer EPI LP Standards are much nicer than the one I bought and returned a few years ago, that was good for firewood, but the newer ones are pretty darn decent!! Jack.
Re: Epiphone Now Made In China
I recently bought a Korean Epi LP standard, and it is a fantastic guitar. I switched out the pickups to DUncans and it is even better. The stock pickups actually sounded good, but they were microphonic even though under the covers they looked like bars of soap-there was so much wax! I played a Gibson LP studio, and except for the Gibby's pickups being a little better, the difference was very little. I used to own an Epi SG that I bought off a guy for 50 bucks, and it sucked-nice neck, but that was it.
Re: Epiphone Now Made In China
I agree Some of the chinese stuff is ok but to wilfully give money to the commies is just WRONG.These people are building and pointing nuclear missles at S.Korea,Japan and the USA AND want nothing more than to see us removed from this planet.I myself can't forget the brave men and women that fought in Korea and Vietnam to try and stop the Chinese and Russian commies from pushing south.For them alone I WILL NOT buy a chinese guitar or any other of their products.(rant over)Really? well screw Mark Twain.
Re: Epiphone Now Made In China
Indonesia IS a country--a very large one, actually. Here's some more info: