After four years of having doubts.. not knowing which guitar I should get.. trying numerous Strats, Ibanezs, Jacksons, ESPS.. spending nights and nights of thinking I finally decided [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]
I always wanted one of these and I found one for the right price.. they're not being made anymore and I've never seen one before in the netherlands
I suck at taking guitars pics..
It's a Washburn CS780

Maple body: really hard, dent free
maple neck w/ rosewood fretboard
gold wardware!!! finally [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]
it's got a coil splitter, best feature ever..
thinline body: really comfy, every edge is rounded
The finish is a really sparkly black, the pics don't show it very well.. the pics suck, the guitar looks so much more beautiful in real life..
it can do anything from sparkly clean, to heavy metal and blues and vai/shred stuff.. I love this guitar!
if you want to know how it sounds, listen to Dream Evil - Children of Night. it has exactely that sound (not so weird 'cause one of their guitar payer has the exact same guitar)
This was also Emppu Vuarrinen's (Nightwish) main guitar for years untill he got the ESP deal..
is any of you dutchies or belgiums know where I can find a white one, please tell me!
overal, this guitar rules!!
lol, I am so not brand loyal.. I have a fender, an Ibanez, an ESP and now a Washburn.. better get a Jackson next before I get banned [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]
I always wanted one of these and I found one for the right price.. they're not being made anymore and I've never seen one before in the netherlands
I suck at taking guitars pics..
It's a Washburn CS780

Maple body: really hard, dent free
maple neck w/ rosewood fretboard
gold wardware!!! finally [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]
it's got a coil splitter, best feature ever..
thinline body: really comfy, every edge is rounded
The finish is a really sparkly black, the pics don't show it very well.. the pics suck, the guitar looks so much more beautiful in real life..
it can do anything from sparkly clean, to heavy metal and blues and vai/shred stuff.. I love this guitar!
if you want to know how it sounds, listen to Dream Evil - Children of Night. it has exactely that sound (not so weird 'cause one of their guitar payer has the exact same guitar)
This was also Emppu Vuarrinen's (Nightwish) main guitar for years untill he got the ESP deal..
is any of you dutchies or belgiums know where I can find a white one, please tell me!
overal, this guitar rules!!
lol, I am so not brand loyal.. I have a fender, an Ibanez, an ESP and now a Washburn.. better get a Jackson next before I get banned [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]