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A must read....J Frog review

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  • #31
    Re: A must read....J Frog review

    That review is too funny and a wise warning for those out there contemplating a Ed purchase!


    • #32
      Re: A must read....J Frog review

      I bought an ESPEE from him back in 99 and he was annoyed that I was going to use a credit card and he refused to let me ship the guitar on my UPS account. No problem otherwise.


      • #33
        Re: A must read....J Frog review

        I went to his store with a friend who was thinking of retopping his PRS. Ed ripped him off a few different ways and really made the experience suck for my friend. He tried his jedi mind tricks on me but they didn't work and I think he thought I was a dick. I wouldn't buy into any of his shit. I had my Steinber GP with me and was checking out his custom Steinbergers. There was one in particular that I really wanted to see from his site. I tried it and it was beautiful but sounded like shit. MY GP slayed it. When Ed left the room, his sales guy even told me that mine sounded better. In all fairness, they did let me look at anything and everything. There was only one amp there and it sucked, which I thought was funny. He has great stuff, but makes a lot if it himself and is a dick that will rip you off at pretty much any chance he can get.


        • #34
          Re: A must read....J Frog review

          [ QUOTE ]
          thats the problem i have, if you make a guitar in your shop dont put other people's or company's logo on it, thats what he does. warb. your guitar isnt a JFrog its a roman with a jfrog logo. JG he didnt buy BCR's inventory he bought them from Class Axe. then he went thru them & made changes to them so that they would look like original California made BCRichs.

          [/ QUOTE ]

          Jamie, regardless of where he actually got them, at the time he had EVERYTHING you could ever want regarding BC Rich. East Coast Music Mall was huge and it was packed front to back with BC Rich guitars. It was literally breathtaking. He had hundreds of wicked optioned out koa Bichs for instance. He had so many BC Rich parts it was staggering. He could literally make you ANYTHING you wanted. He always pushed the quality guitars. Back in the day, BEFORE the internet, information wasn't as available as it is now. Guys like Ed helped us guitar players out by stocking and promoting the GOOD guitars and explaining exactly why they were good. At the time, everybody knew that Fender and Gibson were good but names like MightyMite, Schecter, Chandler, Jackson, Charvel, ESP, MusicMan, Boogie, Performance and BC Rich were names that were pretty new at the time. He had all the good stuff and never fell prey to the quick $99.00 guitar sale blow out with the giant cardboard pic of your favorite guitar player in front of the guitars. He promoted many high end amps too at a time when the only amps anybody ever really heard of were Fender, Marshall, Hi-watt, Ampeg and Sunn.


          • #35
            Re: A must read....J Frog review

            He ripped me off when I was like 13 years old. I told him I wanted a Custom made ESP just like Kirk hammett's this was before they mad the bolt on KH2 and he took me for all my money when I was a kid put off my order for like over a year then the cheap bolt on KH2s were released and he sent one of those to me. I wass pissed and called him saying this guitar's a bolt on and he laughed at me and told me to send him another 1000 dollars and then he would send me a neck thru. This was the Eastcoast Music Mall days.

