A couple weeks back I traded a guy a Variax 500 for a late 60's Fender Deluxe Reverb. The amp came and the tremolo didn't work. So I took it a local tech/small dealer for service. Well, after he wrote it up I started playing guitars he had on the wall and fell in love with this SG Classic. I jokingly asked if he'd trade for the amp and he thought about it for a minute and said sure. The amp is definitely worth more than the guitar but I got way more for the Variax than it was worth so I figured what the heck - I didn't need another amp anyhow and I've never owned an SG. It's really cool. Great neck shape, binding over the frets, great sustain, and 2 P-90's.
A few more pics here: http://hackolutions.com/gear/current...nsgclassic.htm
A few more pics here: http://hackolutions.com/gear/current...nsgclassic.htm
