Some of you may have already seen this one...I posted pics when I first joined. However, my thread hijack in the Tech section regarding crooked inlays on my white Orville generated a lot of interest in the Orville brand. I don't know much about Orville's other than what's posted at Based on that info, the Orville by Gibson is higher quality than the Orville in that it used USA hardware. Also, these are technically not "lawsuit" guitars as they were both Gibson brands.
This is an Orville by Gibson, 1959 reissue... So for all you bros that saw fit to make fun of the white Orville (cough...toejam...cough [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]), here's her hot sister. No crooked inlays!

I bought the above guitar from (on eBay) and was so happy with the guitar I purchased the white Orville (below), which turned out to have crooked inlays. Lesson learned is that I will buy Orville by Gibson from pics alone, but not Orvilles. Not that the white Orville is not a great player...she is (and fwiw they get rave reviews over at HC), but the inlays make it hard to fall in love with her.

I am tempted to send her to GMW for a Zakk Bullseye refin and fix those damn inlays once and for all!
This is an Orville by Gibson, 1959 reissue... So for all you bros that saw fit to make fun of the white Orville (cough...toejam...cough [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]), here's her hot sister. No crooked inlays!

I bought the above guitar from (on eBay) and was so happy with the guitar I purchased the white Orville (below), which turned out to have crooked inlays. Lesson learned is that I will buy Orville by Gibson from pics alone, but not Orvilles. Not that the white Orville is not a great player...she is (and fwiw they get rave reviews over at HC), but the inlays make it hard to fall in love with her.

I am tempted to send her to GMW for a Zakk Bullseye refin and fix those damn inlays once and for all!