Schecter Diamond Series 007 Elite in see-thru black quilt top. [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img] The back of the body is also a see-thru black that shows off the nice mahogany grain, but it's pretty dark to see unless up close. It's all mahogany with a set neck (though, it appears almost to be neck-thru), very light weight, binding is a nice creme color, rosewood board with big diamond abalone-looking inlay at the 12th fret. The board is a little dry and could use some oil, but I can't find any fault with this guitar. This really is a very nice playing Korean-made guitar. The Duncan Designed pups don't sound too bad, but they're a little weak in output for my tastes... I'll probably replace them eventually with either some DiMarzios or maybe Rio Grandes. Also has Grover tuners and Tone Pros locking bridge that are a matte satin chrome that almost looks gray.
