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Musikraft San Dimas replica

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  • #91
    Re: Musikraft San Dimas replica

    Sully, the answer to that question is just this simple back in 80,81, most of us just admired these guitar with no means of getting them now as we all finally have some dough there just a hand full to go around. So you called GMW and they made the guitar you always wanted and you put the logo on it. I guess just to make up the dream of owning one you could never get. The logo is just the icing; I really believe that people try to capture the vibe of the old Charvels and especially the ones with cool graphics. I strongly believe that people didn't order these guitars just to slap a logo on them; I believe it's about the vibe and the graphics.

    Now back to my question how do you feel about the price of the anniversary guitar, does this not alarm anyone who’s a big Charvel fan? The sad thing is people now are selling them on the ebay for about $1500 to $1800. Not much mojo about that!


    • #92
      Re: Musikraft San Dimas replica

      [ QUOTE ]
      [ QUOTE ]

      why aren't there strat head charvels (aside from special editions) now that the companies are all owned by the patent holder for the strat head shape?

      [/ QUOTE ]

      it's something that has been mentioned before, but basically the thought is that although FMIC owns many companies, they are all treated separately. ever notice that you don't see much charvel stuff on the jackson site? that's a smaller example of that. even the reish stratheads have the licsensing sticker on it. i'm sure there's a more detailed reason, but that's basically it in a nutshell. it's the same kinda reason why you don't see jackson silverjets. also, let's look back a little bit. there has been progress on this, just maybe not as fast as we'd like. it doesn't mean that they're not coming.


      [/ QUOTE ]Yeah and Sam's club and Wal-mart have different web sites also! This is just what the Kramer folks are going thru with Gibson right now!


      • #93
        Re: Musikraft San Dimas replica

        oh, i see the light at the end of the tunnel too that we will some day get what we want for once lol. but i guess it's the "are we there yet" kid in me that wants to know what's taking so long and what the big guys at FMIC J/C are thinking/doing.



        • #94
          Re: Musikraft San Dimas replica

          believe me, i was in that boat as well, and i've heard that reason here for years. i don't agree with it for many reasons. to a small extent, i understand the sentiment. however, like it or not, most of these guitars with sentimental logos get sold many times and i'm sure eventually get pawned off for what they're not. not everyone knows what to look for, and in many cases, the only way you can tell a GMW from a charvel strathead is the truss rod nut.

          anyway, how do i feel about the prices of the reissues? i honestly don't care because i'm not in the market for one. i've played a few 25th anniversary models, and based on specs, no, i don't think that they're $2400 guitars (that's pretty much the price i saw most of them sell for). however, i'd be hard pressed to say that any bolt on, one hum guitar is a $2400 guitar. does that mean that i'd love to grab one if i had the means? sure. i know who made those guitars, i know what went into those guitars, and i know how expensive american made custom shop guitars are. those prices aren't out of line with american made custom shop guitars. the ones i played were great playing and sounding, and the necks felt like home. i don't care if they felt like an 82 strathead or not; the feel that they did have was enough for me to really enjoy playing it. i also don't give a rat's ass about someone's perceived mojo. mojo is something created by the seller to get more money. i put mojo on the same shelf as santa claus. i'm sure that we've all played guitars touted as filled with special magic only to find that for us, they were kinda flat. it's speculative. that's not to say that some guitars sound and feel better than others, but i'm getting off track.

          anyway, to get back on track, do i care that an anniversary strathead retails at 4k? no, for a few reasons: i'm not in the market for one, and i also know that most guitars don't sell for full retail. i must point out that if there was a reish that i had to have, i'd probably fork up the dough somehow; hell, i took out a bank loan to the the rhoads LTD i had.

          anyway, that's my rambling answer.
          Sully Guitars - Built by Rock & Roll
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          • #95
            Re: Musikraft San Dimas replica

            [ QUOTE ]
            believe me, i was in that boat as well, and i've heard that reason here for years. i don't agree with it for many reasons. to a small extent, i understand the sentiment. however, like it or not, most of these guitars with sentimental logos get sold many times and i'm sure eventually get pawned off for what they're not. not everyone knows what to look for, and in many cases, the only way you can tell a GMW from a charvel strathead is the truss rod nut.

            [/ QUOTE ]
            Here your saying your looking out for people so they don't get ripped off with a fake. Then in you next statement you saying the 25th anniversary is not worth the $2400(and believe me I know people bought them for more) but your ok with a company doing it? [img]/images/graemlins/scratchhead.gif[/img]


            • #96
              Re: Musikraft San Dimas replica

              um. huh?
              Sully Guitars - Built by Rock & Roll
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              • #97
                Re: Musikraft San Dimas replica

                [ QUOTE ]
                um. huh?

                [/ QUOTE ]

                I thought it was just me? [img]/images/graemlins/scratchhead.gif[/img]


                • #98
                  Re: Musikraft San Dimas replica

                  nope. kids, don't drink and post. [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]
                  Sully Guitars - Built by Rock & Roll
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                  • #99
                    Re: Musikraft San Dimas replica

                    [ QUOTE ]
                    i'm with chuck...put strat heads on the current pointies and i'd own 3 or 4 of them with different bridges and pickups. that price range is ok by me, good US quality and an option for solid colors or graphics would be cool.

                    Fender is a money making machine just like all the other big guitar companies and they should be seeing green with the thought of strat head charvels. i get the whole "we don't want to confuse customers" thing but....hello, we (the consumer) can read i can see which is a fender and which is charvel on the headstock so don't give me that "we (fender) don't want to confuse the buyers" crap that i've heard before. FMIC now owns charvel so give the buyers what we want and the amount of clones out there will be cut down by a large amount. it really is that simple, put a strat head on a charvel and make more money, don't put it on and lose customers to the "clone" factories lol.


                    [/ QUOTE ]

                    I'm with Mike and Chuk on this one. I'd own at least one. That brand confusion I never really got either.


                    • Re: Musikraft San Dimas replica

                      What makes you think all the logos are repros...maybe they were stolen out of the custom shop... there aint nothin illegal about that.... [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]


                      • Re: Musikraft San Dimas replica

                        I guess I think that the "intellectual property" argument, while valid, rings a little hollow if the sole purpose of adding a decal is to "complete the look", and not to profit. Remember a couple years ago when Eddie was suing anyone who violated his "intellectual property" rights? Hell, Ed was gettin ready to send his lawyers after everybody who ever put a black or white stripe on something red. Imitation is the highest form of flattery. If the shoe was on the other foot, and there were guitar players who were getting free gear from FMIC but were putting black tape across the logo (provided EVH didn't sue them), the company wouldn't be very happy at all.

                        Here's a way: put a reverse headstock, maple neck on the Tom Delonge strat, slap a Kahler on it, and BOOM! you've got yourself a $600 Charvel, brought to you by your friends from FMIC!


                        • Re: Musikraft San Dimas replica

                          wow...what a thread...some very differing opinions 2 cents?...i have actually had a guitar refinned at jackson one time many years ago...and they relogo'd it for me...yep there is a san dimas rhoads out there with an ontario logo...big happens...took forever but it was done absolutely for the strathead issue?...i think fmic is going the way they should for now...let them move that way at their own takes time to get things right...i was brought to namm 2 years ago so they could lay their hands on my stratheads to see what they felt usual...these are only my opinions and do not necessarily have any basis in intellectuality or



                          • Re: Musikraft San Dimas replica

                            Best thread I've seen here in months!


                            • Re: Musikraft San Dimas replica

                              [ QUOTE ]
                              Best thread I've seen here in months!

                              [/ QUOTE ]

                              +1. I was gonna put that in my last post. Great discussion!


                              • Re: Musikraft San Dimas replica

                                [ QUOTE ]
                                I guess I think that the "intellectual property" argument, while valid, rings a little hollow if the sole purpose of adding a decal is to "complete the look", and not to profit. Remember a couple years ago when Eddie was suing anyone who violated his "intellectual property" rights? Hell, Ed was gettin ready to send his lawyers after everybody who ever put a black or white stripe on something red. Imitation is the highest form of flattery.

                                [/ QUOTE ]

                                imo, he had every right to do that; especially to those who made money off of his design. why should someone else benefit from your work, especially if that person had nothing to do with the original work?

                                if i made guitars for a living, and for some reason, a percentage of the population were putting sully logos on guitars that i had nothing to do with, i'd be pissed off, and rightfully so, because that's my name on something that i didn't authorize or endorse. i don't care if it "completes the look." you can just as easily put anything else on that headstock. i agree that a bare headstock many times looks like it needs a logo, but why not exert a little creativity and make that guitar truly a part of you? ever see the "fucker" logo written in fender script? that's pretty amusing, i think. i think it's way cooler to have your own name on a guitar that you built or put together than to put some other company's logo on it.

                                Sully Guitars - Built by Rock & Roll
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