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Musikraft San Dimas replica

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  • Re: Musikraft San Dimas replica

    Bastardized Tremolo, [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]

    [ QUOTE ]
    You are describing one or two over a several year span, yet talking as if every guitar with a Charvel logo put on it is going to end up as a potential fraud.
    I've done as much buying and selling in that market as anybody, and I'm not seeing the numbers you guys are hinting at.
    The sky is NOT falling

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Chuck is 100% right. There are some Charvels that get passed off, but considering the number of charvels that move on a daily basis its not near as bad as some here seem to imply it is.

    It is in no way inevitable that a logoed guitar will wind up on ebay, I dunno about you guys but when I go through the trouble to build (or choose) the parts for a guitar myself I won't sell it, ever. That custom Death Angel I ordered? It will never be sold, Jackson will build the guitar but the design is something I had a hand in so in some way that guitar is forever bound to me. This is true of a musikraft or warmoth guitar as well because while it may not be to the same extent as a custom shop piece, you are still choosing the options. The warmoth I have now, if I had ordered it originally I would never dream of selling it. Not everyone is like me I suppose but surely I'm not the only one here who gets attached to a guitar I had a hand in creating?


    • Re: Musikraft San Dimas replica

      [ QUOTE ]
      They are moving forward .. just not fast enough for a select few.

      [/ QUOTE ]

      I've got to disagree with you here, Kev. It's not a "select few" who are unhappy with how fast the strathead thing has been progressing. This thread itself - and the large volume of repros and parts guitars - demonstrates that there are a lot of people who are not happy with it. I'd even venture a guess that it is the majority of Charvel enthusiasts.

      The limited editions thing is more like a Fender strat marketing strategy. Not saying that it hasn't worked for Charvel enthusiasts, too - it has so far! But it just inevitably leads us to the custom order issue, which is the heart and soul of Charvel fans. And, the longer the "no customs" policy stays in place, the more Charvel enthusiasts they will alienate.

      Again, IMHO, it's past due now. Just do it. ...And when they do, this aftermarket issue will pretty much dry right up.


      • Re: Musikraft San Dimas replica

        "The sky is NOT falling"

        <font color="orange"> No,it is not!!

        This can go on for another seven pages & still,until FMIC/JCMI release reasonably priced/correct profile stratheads buyers will continue to turn to the repros,added logos & all,end of story!!
        Logo Police is,imo,pointless,can't police the world!!It's a fear mentality,never logo a strathead or someone will be ripped off,never cross the street you may get hit by a bus,never fly in a plane it may crash....pointless!!I agree the selling of fakes is not as rampant as it's made to appear here & as I've said many times,if ya buy a several $k guitar without doing your homework you're a dumbass & the seller's an asshole,the info to make an informed purchase is out there if you look for's right here on this very forum & others!!

        I'm going back to work....more $$=more Charvies!!</font>


        • Re: Musikraft San Dimas replica

          [ QUOTE ]
          [ QUOTE ]
          [ QUOTE ]
          i think the best parody i've seen was the fucker logo done in fender script.

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          [/ QUOTE ]
          +2 Back when I built my strat(long gone now) I wanted one of those but couldn't find it. I recently saw a "Fecker partsocaster with bastardized tremelo" logo on ebay though. [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]

          [/ QUOTE ]

          Funny as it is, I bet fender isnt too happy about this either. Im sure they view the big gold F and the shape and look of the logo as their "property". If someone was to market guitars with a logo like this, I bet they would get sued over it. Did Tokai get sued over the "springy sound" logos? Or was that a Japan only thing.


          • Re: Musikraft San Dimas replica


            • Re: Musikraft San Dimas replica

              Just look at what you started, young man! You oughta be...wait...woah...swoooon!!!


              • Re: Musikraft San Dimas replica

                Crap I lost the text from my post. Anyway I would like to say that I didn't intend to start world war 3. I just wanted a guitar that I could take on oversea gigs and not worry about dammage to my 84. Playabillity and neck feel was most important but the logo was part of the project goal and was not intended to offend or rip anyone off. Yes I could have put dumbass on the headstock but as my wife would tell you that would be redundant. I would gladly pay Charvel $1,500-$2,000 for a guitar like my 84 San Dimas strathead but at this time Charvel doesn't offer it. So as I said before the logo was for esthetics on stage and not intendid for proffit or resale. So to anyone at Charvel or any die hard purists I appologize for offending you.


                • Re: Musikraft San Dimas replica

                  <font color="aqua">VERY nice, but a little tip for you, the string lock blocks on the right are facing the wrong way. The "peak" of the blocks should be parallel to the strings like the guitar on the left... [img]/images/graemlins/wink.gif[/img] </font>
                  Dave ->

                  "would someone answer that damn phone?!?!"


                  • Re: Musikraft San Dimas replica

                    Fantastic job! Great, now you won't have to take your prized guitar out on the road anymore. It's done, it's time. It's like when Clapton retired his "Blackie". He said it wouldn't stay together out on the road anymore. So, he retired Blackie to the house. [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]
                    Tone is like Art: Your opinion is valid. Listen, learn, have fun, draw your own conclusions.


                    • Re: Musikraft San Dimas replica

                      I'm afraid I'm going to have to remove both those guitars from your hands till we get to the bottom of this issue. I will then in time give you back your white one, but will most likely have to keep the camo version for evidence. [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]


                      • Re: Musikraft San Dimas replica

                        Great thread guys . Come on FMIC , make it happen !!

                        Oh stick this in your fuse box ..... Bon Scott


                        • Re: Musikraft San Dimas replica

                          Those are both great guitars. Love that refin, great paint.

                          Just to clarify....I have never been vocal on this before and do not have an anti Fender agenda.

                          The select few that think this is not moving fast enough... Am I one of them?, sure. How many more years does fender think the "Target" Charvel age group(the group that will initially establish, drive, create, the market) will continue to buy before we age wave into other priorities? Take 2 years off the possible 8 - 10 and you have lost a valuable 25% sales years. We will start it. Guitars will apprear in stores, other people outside the age group will jump in and the guitar will have a rebirth. They are hurting thier own chances at establishing a market for the product. Take too long and we all have other things to do with out lives. We are not the sum total of the future Charvel market, we are just the beginning

                          Please do not brush off the builders - they are not going away and will continue to build more repros unless their is no need.

                          Please do not supress opinions out of political correctness to fender. I do not want to be handled by any member of the board, admin or other or by Fender when my point is on target and valid.

                          Please do support the cause. A Jackson Charvel rep asked a valid question. It was punctuated by "How could we do such a thing" The answer is "Because Charvel is not"

                          If you build it they will come
                          It's not a competition, it's a community


                          • Re: Musikraft San Dimas replica

                            Well said !!
                            Oh stick this in your fuse box ..... Bon Scott


                            • Re: Musikraft San Dimas replica

                              [ QUOTE ]
                              Please do not supress opinions out of political correctness to fender. I do not want to be handled by any member of the board, admin or other or by Fender when my point is on target and valid.

                              [/ QUOTE ]

                              You are not being "handled". Your post remains posted and people have replied.

                              DO NOT think that just because you have an opinion that nobody is entitled to theirs, no matter what their title is on the board!
                              Occupy JCF


                              • Re: Musikraft San Dimas replica

                                since this thread was supposed to be about Camos new guitar i'd like to bring it on track with a question for you camo...

                                i just realized that your camo strat head has an odd volume knob location. is that something you ordered when you first placed the order for it? i've only seen a knob placed b/t the floyd and pickup like yours on one other pre-pro charvel. as most know they tend to be right in line with the pickup height screw 1 5/8" away on charvels. newer Waynes on the other hand have the knob in a simlar location to yours.

                                just curious on that.


