Jackson needs to put out a 24f RR, single hum or not. Those may be ugly as fook, especially the thick black stripes on white, but I'm sure the LTDs are gonna sell pretty good, given that people have been bitchin and moanin for the Japanese Laihos for a while now. A Jackson replica of the RR that Alexi used to use would severely pwn the ESP Alexi, since ESPs for the most part are much more expensive than even USA Jacksons.
Jackson needs to put out a 24f RR, single hum or not. Those may be ugly as fook, especially the thick black stripes on white, but I'm sure the LTDs are gonna sell pretty good, given that people have been bitchin and moanin for the Japanese Laihos for a while now. A Jackson replica of the RR that Alexi used to use would severely pwn the ESP Alexi, since ESPs for the most part are much more expensive than even USA Jacksons.