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Black Clouds and Underdog Tour

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  • Black Clouds and Underdog Tour


    Last night, we brought my girlfriends daughter and her friend to the "Black Clouds and Underdogs" tour (Man, I am so old...I had only heard of one of these bands)

    -Fallout Boy
    -All American Rejects
    -Hawthorne Heights
    -From First to Last
    -The Hush Sound

    I thought it was odd that almost every guitar used was a gibby...I don't see too much live music...Are kids really buying a lot of Gibsons or does this-type music have "pioneers" that used a lot of these guitars and it attracts the new bands to them?

    Not really a pressing question, but I did think it was odd...

    And btw, I think EVERY bass player played a Fender Precision Bass

    Hush Sound: Guitarist had an SG

    From First to Last: One guitar player had an SG the whole show...The other guitarist played and Iceman and a Les Paul

    Hawthorne Heights: (They had three!!! guitarists! Who do they think they are, .38 Special, lol?) The lead guitarist alternated between two different Explorers, the singer played an SG and the other guitarist used a Les Paul

    All American Rejects: One guitarist changed guitars every song...We were above his rack and he had five 335's and three Firebirds. The other guitarist had two SG's

    Falloutboy: The lead guitarist had two guitar's, couldn't tell what they were (maybe boutique-type or parts guitars?) The singer played the whole show and he alternated between SG's.

    Just an observation...

    Last edited by ripley156; 04-19-2006, 07:13 PM.

  • #2
    It doesn't surprise me at all that they are using Gibsons. I have 4 and all of them play, look, and sound great. I played and gigged them them exclusively 'til I started buying Jacksons. Mostly because the RR model looks so bad ass. I grew accustomed to the Jacksons and now the Gibsons mostly sit.
    Be without fear in the face of your enemies. Be brave and upright, that God may love thee. Speak the truth always, even if it leads to your death. Safeguard the helpless and do no wrong.


    • #3
      A friend of mine is on tour doing video work for From First To Last. I'm not really a fan of any of those bands but we've played with some of them and friends of mine have played with others. Your girlfriends daughter might like us!


      • #4
        I see bands come through my university all the time. Not well known bands. They use Les Pauls, SGs and Fender Telecasters exclusively. 3 different shows, 12 different bands. Only 3 types of guitars. It's really freaky. It really makes me wonder.

        OK, admittedly, one band did get up there with a Carvin of some sort while the other guy was playing an Epiphone Hollow Body. They sounded the best. Hhmmmmm. I have to look into buying myself a Carvin.


        • #5
          yeah, the pop-punk and power-pop bands have always seemed to use a lot of Gibson SGs and Les Pauls, and Fender teles.

          The lead guitarist from Fall Out Boy was probably using his prototype Washburn model guitars. i heard he was designing some axes with them.

          and i'm really surprised nick from All-American, is using 335s. especially fucking 5 of them!

