Well gentlemen, I finally took the USA Gibson plunge. I was sooo impressed with my Chinese Gothic LP that when I saw these Gothic reissues I knew I had to have one.
This is one of only a few Gibsons models to have ever left the factory with EMG's. These and maybe the ZW guitars are all that come to my mind.
The guitar plays flawlessly and is the only guitar I've ever had that I didn't have to setup upon receipt. I only drop tuned it-that's it. The nitro finish is still slightly sticky and the top screw on the truss rod cover was missing a dab of paint. Other than that, I can't find anything amiss.
The guitar looks totally sinister. The flat black really enhances the bat-wing look. This could very easily be Lucifers axe...or just some Mississippi redneck's.
Anyway, I recorded a clip of the guitar with the same riff that I played on the Gothic LP demo so you can A-B 'em.
I'll post a more detailed review soon. I'm gonna jam.