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Esteban guitar?

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  • #16
    dude, that Esteschlong guitar world piece is Hilarious.


    • #17
      Price Paid: US $198
      Submitted 04/03/2006 at 12:38pm by david Gentry

      Features: 1
      Year of Mfg.= about 2 minutes ago, based on the smell of fresh glue
      Frets?= I thought the is was wire used for spike strips 22 of them.
      Laminated ten-ply paper thin ratwood. Solid Piece of S*(#.
      Pre-Amp, Claims to be "Powerful" Powerful all right all I got was an incredible hum similar to a b-1 bomber flying at 200 ft.
      Make and model of pickups. No fool would put there name on this crap but Esteban.
      Electronics Passive or active, how about bi-polar.
      Body= seasoned ratwood or somthing from the forests of the wal-mart trash bin. Neck was bowed so badly I could use it for archry. Should have come with a set of arrows. Come to think of it, now I know what I can do with it.
      Finish= Don't even go there. This thing is a bio-hazard. It should be picked up by EPA. I'm sure the paints and stains used on the piece of crap are illegal in the USA. In China they can get away with exposing their 7-year old slave workers to death traps like this. The powers of universe should sentence Esteban to play one his guitars for eternity in the fires of hell!
      Bridge=The bridge broke off the minute I tried to tune it. It flew across the room and I still can't find it. No loss it was made of freek'n plywood, just like the neck.
      Tuners= Mr. Grover would roll over in his grave. They slip so badly it would not stay in tune for more than 30 seconds.

      Neck,Frets= Warning... the finish stains your hands after playing it, the frets stick out past the neck with shap edges similar to razor blade. This POS is an enviromental hazard!
      Accesories= Crappy strap, shotty case, stupid video of an idiot in a zoro hat. Should have come with a hammer to smash the thing the minute it came out of the box. Could not be recycled, due the bio-hazard. The thing smells like a enviromental waste dump. I'm not kidding!!

      Sound: 1
      I guess if is was deaf it would sound good. It tins sound is similar to a cat trying to get out of garbage can.
      Rattles everywhere.
      Rich/full sound= You have to be joking. FU ESTEBAN
      What sounds does it make? Sounds like a dull thud or buzz like a bee hive. Pick your option.

      Action, Fit, & Finish: 1
      There was not set-up in the factory unless it was done by a brain damaged worked on drugs. Action is so high you could drive a truck between the strings and fretboard.
      Did it contain any flaws? Finish was running, bracing looks like cardboard, fretwire is really razor wire, it stinks inside the sound hole like a dirty diaper, or some other kind of hole I can't mention here.

      Reliability/Durability: 1
      Reliabilty= The bridge blew off in about 2 minutes, strings snapped and the body began to crack.

      Can I depend on it? I can't even depend on the local charity gift shop to take it. Te guy there said he had well over 100 Estebans, and could not give them away. He refused any more!

      Customer Support: 1
      Support? Your joking right. Support implies help. All I got was three hours on the phone and no results. The guy on the phone did not speak english, nor did he give a damn. Esteban calls himself a recording artist. The only artist he is a con-artist. BUYER BEWARE!!!!!!

      Overall Rating: 1
      Just learning now I want to quit.
      What could I have asked before buying? How long was Esteban in jail during his last stay for selling such crap and calling it a guitar.
      My favorite feature was the beautiful colors it gave off when I torched it. Must be all the "exotic" paints and glues. Nice fireworks display. Best feature of the guitar.

      Esteban should take off the fake Zoro hat and face the people he sold this crap to. Must be about 20,000 of us that would love to meet this con in person FU ESTEBAN! You thief


      • #18
        Man, you guys must be very mis-informed about Estebans high quality hand made beautiful sounding guitars! Just read these reviews!!! I think I'm going to order mine tommorow!

        My goal in life is to be the kind of asshole my wife thinks I am.


        • #19
          Seriously, those reviews just about made me throw up. The only two possibilities here are: The majority of the American population are total fucking idiots.........or those reviews are fake!
          My goal in life is to be the kind of asshole my wife thinks I am.


          • #20
            Judging by the website name and the endless number of 5-star ratings, I think it's a VERY reliable source...
            If you're flammable and have legs, you are never blocking a fire exit. Unless you are a table.

