can anyone tell me what kind of ibanez rg it is? i'm looking for a 5xx series rg, preferably an older one made in japan (iirc they're better than the recent ones). is this one of the guitars i should be looking for, or is it a lower end model, 3xx series for example?
i kinda like the sharkfin inlays and the white color without the pickup (although i wouldn't mind a nice mirror pickguard
), but to me, all the rg series guitars look exactly the same 
ah yeah, and the description says it's a 6 year old rg series in mint condition.
i kinda like the sharkfin inlays and the white color without the pickup (although i wouldn't mind a nice mirror pickguard

ah yeah, and the description says it's a 6 year old rg series in mint condition.