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BCR Bic and Mbird

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  • BCR Bic and Mbird

    I am not too knowledgable about BC Rich guitars, but I love the Bich and the Purple mockingbird in this old Starship video.

    "What's all this lying around shit!!" - Bluto

  • #2
    Now THAT is about as rock and roll as it gets!!


    • #3
      10 String Biches are pretty cool looking - and actually JS rocked during this period just before the slide.


      • #4
        Always liked 80s Mockingbirds. I'm kind of partial to the doubleneck Carvin, too.


        • #5
          Im 26 years old, and to this day I thought that singer was a female, id never seen pictures or a video.

          I need to be alone for a while


          • #6
            I need to get a pic of my pair.
            The only solution to GAS is DEATH...


            • #7
              I must be blind-Sure I saw the trans red Bich,but for the life of me,I couldn't see the Purple Mockingbird

              Nice vintage BCRs here though


              And I OWN The Mockingbird bass from this video


              • #8
                It's there...but it's hard to see. The Purple Mockingbird is shown at the VERY beginning of the video in a guitar stand lined up with the other guitars. The guitarist for Jefferson Starship endorsed BC RICH and I used to see ads with him playing that vivid purple Mockingbird just really caught my eye. I was a drummer back then and just knew about BC Rich's from guys in my band. But I remember how I loved the looks of those guitars.

                I've been playing guitar for 12 years now, but have never laid hands on a BC Rich and don't know much about them. To the best of my knowledge, I guess they are a lot like Jacksons where the USA mades are the quality.
                "What's all this lying around shit!!" - Bluto


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Lorne View Post
                  I must be blind-Sure I saw the trans red Bich,but for the life of me,I couldn't see the Purple Mockingbird

                  Nice vintage BCRs here though


                  And I OWN The Mockingbird bass from this video

                  You refering to that incredible score of the Lynott used Mock? Because I don't see a Mock bass in that video, though Kantner's Bich is freaking awesome!


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Mesaboog View Post
                    I've been playing guitar for 12 years now, but have never laid hands on a BC Rich and don't know much about them. To the best of my knowledge, I guess they are a lot like Jacksons where the USA mades are the quality.
                    Similar (but not the same) construction methods. No scarf joints, true neck-through (no laminate-the-back of the body-shit). While Jackson employs CNC for some stuff, BCR does not. Sometimes this leads to hit-and-miss quality. Otherwise, you're in for an absolute treat. IMHO, every player should have a few Jacksons AND a few BCRs.
                    The only solution to GAS is DEATH...


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Mesaboog View Post
                      It's there...but it's hard to see. The Purple Mockingbird is shown at the VERY beginning of the video in a guitar stand lined up with the other guitars. The guitarist for Jefferson Starship endorsed BC RICH and I used to see ads with him playing that vivid purple Mockingbird just really caught my eye. I was a drummer back then and just knew about BC Rich's from guys in my band. But I remember how I loved the looks of those guitars.

                      I've been playing guitar for 12 years now, but have never laid hands on a BC Rich and don't know much about them. To the best of my knowledge, I guess they are a lot like Jacksons where the USA mades are the quality.
                      D'oh-yeah now i see it

