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  • Tremol-No

    I just finished installing a Tremol-No on my Floyd equipped Carvin, and I believe every Floyd equipped guitar I have is going to get one over the next few months.

    This device is incredible. Installation was fairly simple (there is a video on the website that you can follow along with as you install it). I did make one mistake (I really should wear my glasses when working on a guitar), but I received a clarification in under a day on their forum.

    Their link is

    I have tried the tremsetter in the past, but really prefer this unit and the options that it offers.

  • #2
    I had one on my soloist but it kept slipping off when I dove.
    too bad I really liked the flexiblility it gave me.
    supposedly there should be a new tail piece coming out soon that can't slip off.
    I may look at that (if it doesn't cost me another $65.00)
    If this is our perdition, will you walk with me?


    • #3
      I did notice that the unit I received looks different from the one in the installation video. Perhaps I have one of the units with the new tail piece. I really put it through a workout and did not have any problems with it slipping off.


      • #4
        can you post a pic?
        If this is our perdition, will you walk with me?


        • #5
          i ssw the videos, very easy to install and to use.. might get one too
          the thing is..the springs on my dk2 arent parallel to eachother, they form a triangle but with tremolno they will be parallel to eacother..
          wil that make any difference on spring tension?
          If the crowd is shouting for an encore, but the sound guy is shaking his head, ignore him and play anyway


          • #6
            I went from angled springs to straight springs on this installation and had to compensate by turning the claw springs about 1/4 turn.


            • #7
              I would have to buy a new camera. Mine died a few months ago and I haven't gone about replacing it yet.

