I just finished installing a Tremol-No on my Floyd equipped Carvin, and I believe every Floyd equipped guitar I have is going to get one over the next few months.
This device is incredible. Installation was fairly simple (there is a video on the website that you can follow along with as you install it). I did make one mistake (I really should wear my glasses when working on a guitar), but I received a clarification in under a day on their forum.
Their link is http://www.tremol-no.com
I have tried the tremsetter in the past, but really prefer this unit and the options that it offers.
This device is incredible. Installation was fairly simple (there is a video on the website that you can follow along with as you install it). I did make one mistake (I really should wear my glasses when working on a guitar), but I received a clarification in under a day on their forum.
Their link is http://www.tremol-no.com
I have tried the tremsetter in the past, but really prefer this unit and the options that it offers.